Meet the Staff of Top 8 Home Remedies!
Along with having numerous ghostwriters as a part of our writing staff, we also have some staff members who contribute articles to the site often. Learn more about our wonderful staff members below.
Hannah Jaehnig

Website Manager – Editor – Writer
Hannah Jaehnig is the manager of Top 8 Home Remedies. She works day and night to keep the site in great shape. She is in charge of editing and posting all of the articles you see on the site. Occasionally, she also writes an article.[/caption]
Currently, she is attending Southern New Hampshire University. She will graduate in 2019 with a Bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing. She has been working as a freelance writer since 2014 and will continue to work with the site for the foreseeable future.
Stephen Amponsah Mensah
Stephen Amponsah Mensah is a Ghanaian Journalist and freelance writer. He writes on health, lifestyle, fashion, business, and political subjects among other interesting topics. He has practiced journalism since 2011, with the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation and being writing ever since. He believes in the power of writing and that is my way of contributing to a knowledge-based society.
Ranjani Ramji
Ranjani is an article writer who began working for in June 2018. She primarily focuses on writing health benefit articles. Check out her first article ever published on the site: 26 Apple Health Benefits!
Brian Keith Foreman
Brian Keith Foreman is an Organizational Psychologist, newspaper columnist (Family Matters), and freelance writer from Michigan. He’s published short stories, poetry, and numerous blogs and articles over the past twenty years and has taught psychology at the university level for several years.
Sharmistha Das
Sharmistha Das is Post Graduate in Sanskrit. She is from Kolkata, India. She is a Social Media Promoter. She promotes “Top 8 Home Remedies” in Social Networking Sites. Currently, she is working under the site

Social Media Consultant
Sharmistha Das is Post Graduate in Sanskrit. She is from Kolkata, India. She is a Social Media Promoter. She promotes “Top 8 Home Remedies” in Social Networking Sites. Currently, she is working under the site
Ely Jaehnig
Ely Jaehnig is new to freelancing in northern Michigan and is looking forward to doing good work. While she normally prefers to fantasy or historical fiction stories, she takes an interest in herbs and their medicinal properties, as well as natural remedies.
Stephanie Mantle
Other Writers
Some of our other writers are “ghostwriters” meaning that all of their articles are under the “Top 8 Home Remedies Staff” author category. Some of these writers include the following people:
- Eryn Johnson
- Nicole Harmon
- Ailyn
- Brien
- Cynthia
- Penplayer
Guest Bloggers
Emily Pham
Emily Pham is a beauty and natural health blogger. She not only writes as a guest blogger for our site, but she also writes for a blog of her own! To read more of her articles, check out her website: BeautyTalk.
Do you want to become a writer for Top 8 Home Remedies? We currently hiring new part-time authors, and if you are interested in a guest-blogging opportunity, please contact us either on our “contact us” page or by emailing us at top8homeremedies [~@~] .