Tagged: water


23 Home Remedies for Sensitive Skin

Your skin is one of the most important parts of your body and one of your vital organs. It acts as a shield, protecting the organs inside your body whilst also helping to regulate body temperature. Perhaps most notably, however, is the role it plays in our appearance. Issues like sensitive skin can have an impact on both our appearance and our health. While some people are born with sensitive skin, others develop the issue in relation to certain bodily changes such as age or circumstances.

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19 Home Remedies for Brain Fog

Brain fog is not its own medical condition, but instead, it is a symptom of other conditions. It is also known as mental fatigue. It can sometimes challenge school and work, but it does not have to be that severe for you to have it.


21 Home Remedies for an Earache

There are a few different things that can lead to an earache. You could have injured the eardrum or your brain, you could have hurt a different part of your head but feel it in your ear, an irritation in the ear, or even an ear or sinus infection.

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39 Home Remedies for Postnasal Drip

A postnasal drip is something most everyone has had but that not many can recognize by the name. Every day, people swallow small amounts of mucus. This mucus usually comes from the sinuses, mixes with salvia, and causes people no problems. However, sometimes the body makes too much mucus, which makes it harder to swallow. Sometimes the mucus comes out the nose (making a runny nose), while other times it runs down the back of your throat (postnasal drip).


19 Home Remedies for Nausea

Nausea, or feeling sick in the stomach, is quite a common occurrence and can be triggered by a number of things. Thankfully, there are also a large number of ways you can tackle nausea and help yourself feel better with natural home remedies.

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21 Home Remedies for Sensitive Teeth

What are sensitive teeth? While the issue is in the name, the issue is still different for many people. Some have only one sensitive tooth while another may a number of them if not all of them.


17 Home Remedies for Walking Pain

A lot of people suffer from some sort of pain including but not limited to leg pain when walking.  It can be in one or both legs. The pain could be so bad as to interfere with walking or just show itself in your feet. This article is about finding twenty home remedies for you to use.


22 Home Remedies for Motion Sickness

Motion sickness is pretty self-explanatory. It is when you feel ill from traveling too quickly, in a new way, or even moving with your eyes on something other than where you are going.

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23 Home Remedies for a Caffeine Addiction

Caffeine is a drug that naturally occurs in numerous plants. Because it is found in plants, it has been considered both a food and a drug. You can find caffeine in a number of different edible things, namely energy drinks (that is a given), soda, chocolate, tea, and coffee. Now you can even get caffeine in pill form and gum. With how accessible caffeine is, it has become easy for people to become prone to a caffeine addiction.

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29 Home Remedies for Acne Scars

Acne is a phase that all teenagers and adults go through during puberty, pregnancy and in general when times of stress occur. Some break out due to bad hygiene as well. Ance can sometimes lead to acne scars. You know that you have acne if you see pimples over your skin spread out. It would consist of blackheads, whiteheads, and short pink bumps and those are called papules. You can see acne on your face, back, legs, butt, cheeks, and shoulders.