Tagged: arteries

Figs 0

29 Fig Health Benefits

Figs are an ancient fruit; even the ancient Greeks and Romans ate them. These little pear-shaped fruits grow from the Mediterranean, to Northern India, and to Asiatic Turkey. Because of how many different places figs can grow, there are roughly 100 different kinds. The health benefits in this article should work for each type of fig.

chocolate, candy, Alzheimer's 0

18 Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

A lot of people know that dark chocolate is better for you than milk chocolate before the latter has obscene amounts of sugar in it. This article is a list of why dark chocolate is healthy for you in moderation.

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40 Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure

Untreated high blood pressure can cause damage to vital body organs. If the blood pressure rises and stays consistently high, it can cause injury to the brain and eyes, stroke, cardiac arrest, and more.