Tagged: eye pain

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20 Home Remedies for Glaucoma Symptoms

Glaucoma is a disease in your eyes that can do damage to the optic nerves when fluid gathers in front of your eye and causes pressure to build up. The eye then starts to take on damage to the optic nerves because of the pressure build up. While home remedies for glaucoma cannot cure the condition entirely, it can treat the symptoms.


27 Home Remedies for Styes

A stye is a type of small lump that people get on their eyelids. These small bumps are usually red or pink and they look much like a zit. They are incredibly common and not usually much cause for concern. However, they can become annoying, as they are painful. This can make reading, using anything with a bright screen, or focus your vision difficult. Styes usually heal on their own, but there are some home remedies that can help to speed up the process.