Tagged: mother

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7 Home Remedies for Better Breastfeeding

Home remedies for better breastfeeding are a good idea and carry a great value if you think about it from a mommy’s perspective. What usually happens after giving birth is, you’re down, weak, and now you have to be feeding two bodies at the same time: yours and your baby’s body from your breastmilk.

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18 Dandelion Health Benefits

Dandelions have been used as a medicine since the tenth and 11th centuries. At those times- in Europe- dandelions were being used to treat diarrhea, fevers, liver congestion, eye problems, boils, skin ailments, and heartburn. In other places, namely India, China, and Russia, dandelion as used to assist appendicitis, breast cancer, digestive issues, and liver diseases.


13 Home Remedies for Acid Reflux in Babies

Acid reflux in babies can be surprisingly common. It’s very common for babies to burp and spit up. However, if frequent vomiting is an issue, it’s worth going to a doctor about. It could be due to Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. Otherwise known as acid reflux.

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37 Home Remedies for Mastitis (Breast Infection)

The joys of being a new breastfeeding mother are often accompanied with bleeding nipples and nipple cracks. These cracks can be the cause of a more painful breast infection called mastitis. Mastitis can cause immense pain and is sometimes curable with the use of antibiotics.