Category: Exercise


10 Exercises to Eliminate Man Boobs

“Man boobs,” also known simply as “moobs” are medically known as gynecomastia. This health problem is common in older men. It usually begins occurring in men who are around 50 years old, but it can happen to men of any age. This article will discuss some of the causes of gynecomastia and some of the exercises you can use to reduce the fat on the chest. By doing these exercises you can say goodbye to your man boobs and say hello to a muscular set of pecks.


23 Exercises to Burn Belly Fat

This article will discuss some of the most popular exercises that can be used to burn away belly fat. Pictures or videos will be provided for some of the more complicated exercises to show you how it’s done. These exercises will need to be done often if you want to see any results. Also, for tips on how to boost your metabolism (which can make losing weight easier) or losing weight for your whole body in general, you can read this article as well.