Tagged: dirty water

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21 Home Remedies for Typhoid Fever

Symptoms of typhoid include but are not limited to a headache, fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain, lethargy, vomiting, and hallucinations. Once diagnosed and treatment begins it takes about one month for the treatment to have a good effect on typhoid. Try the below home remedies in combination with anything your doctor prescribes.


How to Purify Water

This article will outline some of the do’s and don’ts of water purifying, how to tell if the water is safe or not, as well as suggest ways in which you can purify water at home.

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17 Home Remedies for Cholera Symptoms

Cholera is one of the most common water-borne diseases. It is associated with diarrhea, dehydration, and fevers. It must not be left untreated as it can lead to loss of life.

Consumption of contaminated water or food is one of the causes, and Vibrio cholera is the host bacterium. While it occurs more in areas linked with poor sanitation, it can also be aided by overcrowding, famine, and a rowdy environment.