Tagged: hydrogen peroxide


21 Home Remedies for an Earache

There are a few different things that can lead to an earache. You could have injured the eardrum or your brain, you could have hurt a different part of your head but feel it in your ear, an irritation in the ear, or even an ear or sinus infection.


26 Home Remedies for Hearing Loss

Some damage to the ear cannot be reversed with medical attention and sometimes SNHL and Conductive Hearing Loss need surgery so they do not cause permanent problems. If your hearing does not improve after a few days of using these natural remedies, please make an appointment with your doctor.

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19 Home Remedies for Vaginal Odor

As the name suggests, vaginal odor is any type of odor that comes from the vagina. It should be noted that is it normal for the vagina to have a smell to it, especially if a woman is on her period. It is only when the smell changes or becomes more pronounced that it may point to a health problem. Vaginal odor is not a problem in itself, but it can be a sign or symptom of a vaginal health problem. For example, if your vagina smells like fish, there is likely something wrong.