Tagged: colon

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15 Home Remedies for Tumors

A part of having cancer is having a tumor.  A tumor “is an uncontrolled, abnormal circumscribed growth of cells in any animal or plants tissue or neoplasm” as per Dictionary.com.  In this article, we will briefly show you twenty home remedies that you can do at home to help in the medical treatment of your cancer and your tumor.


19 Home Remedies for Colon Cancer

Your colon is the last part of your large intestine and the last part of your digestive tract. When the cancer is first developing, you get what is called adenomatous polyps. Adenomatous polyps are non-cancerous lumps that turn into colon cancer as time goes on.


42 Home Remedies for Colon Cleansing

Whenever a person eats, there is a generation of waste that takes place after the food gets digested. No matter how sweet or tasty your food is as you eat, there is a fraction of it that has to be expelled from your body. Colon cleansing is one way to get excess toxins out of your colon.