Tagged: sage

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29 Home Remedies for Acne Scars

Acne is a phase that all teenagers and adults go through during puberty, pregnancy and in general when times of stress occur. Some break out due to bad hygiene as well. Ance can sometimes lead to acne scars. You know that you have acne if you see pimples over your skin spread out. It would consist of blackheads, whiteheads, and short pink bumps and those are called papules. You can see acne on your face, back, legs, butt, cheeks, and shoulders.   

Body Odor 0

21 Home Remedies for Body Odor

What causes body odor is the bacteria on the body breaking sweat down into different acids that give off smells. Things like diabetes, puberty, and hyperhidrosis can cause you to release different amounts of body odor. While sweat occurs everywhere, there a couple of different places that build up more sweat. Those places include the following: behind the ears, the belly button, genitals and groin, armpits, and feet.

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19 Home Remedies for Vaginal Odor

As the name suggests, vaginal odor is any type of odor that comes from the vagina. It should be noted that is it normal for the vagina to have a smell to it, especially if a woman is on her period. It is only when the smell changes or becomes more pronounced that it may point to a health problem. Vaginal odor is not a problem in itself, but it can be a sign or symptom of a vaginal health problem. For example, if your vagina smells like fish, there is likely something wrong.

Green tea, cavities 0

23 Health Benefits of Popular Teas

There are dozens of types of teas to choose from when you are shopping. You are likely to consider taste and caffeine contents. Once you read through this article, you may also want to consider what the tea you drink can do to improve your overall health.

This article will discuss some of the most popular teas (including herbal teas) and the ways that they can help to reduce specific symptoms of ailments and how they can boost your overall health.

When you have the option, it is best to make your tea at home with fresh or dried ingredients. Instant teas often have sugar listed as one of the major ingredients. This can reduce the effectiveness of the tea or completely counteract the tea’s natural health benefits.