21 Home Remedies for Fungal Infections

Fungal infections are usually uncomfortable, irritable and unsightly. Doctors will normally prescribe antimicrobial cream which is expensive as treatment. Most minor fungal infections, however, can easily be treated efficiently and effectively at home. To better treat fungal skin infections one must first have a basic understanding of infections.

As a general rule, infections are caused by microbes, the most common being onychomycosis, candidiasis, ringworm, jock itch, and athlete’s foot.

Toenail Fungus

Modern medicine treat toenail fungus with topical treatment, oral antifungal medicine, and in serious cases surgically removes the nail. Possible adverse side effects associated with these medicines are amongst others:

  • Heart problems
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Swelling of mouth or face
  • Hives
  • Rashes
  • Loss of appetite
  • Liver damage
  • Weight gain
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever

In contrast, traditional herbal medicine  perform the same function using oils, fruit juices and dry goods found in the pantry with no side effects.

Symptoms of Skin Fungi

Different fungi infections display different symptoms, but there are a few commonalities. Your current infection may possibly have some of  the listed characteristics.

  • Patches of scaly, discoloured skin ( pink, white or shades of brown).\
  • Itchiness of the affected areas
  • The are slowly grows in size
  • Hair loss or change in the affected area
  • Affected area becomes irritable or explicit with sun exposure.


Home Remedies for Fungal Infections


     1.Nail Polish

Nail Polish home remedy is not necessarily natural, but does get rid of skin fungus. It is used to treat infections that congregate around the nails by application of coat polish that kills the fungus and dry the area out. Nail polish remover equally does the work but avoid direct contact with the skin as this may cause further complications.


  1. Oregano oil

Oregano oil is top on the list of natural home remedies for skin fungus. It effectively kills the fungus that causes fungal skin infections. Most fungal skin infections are as a result of fungi developing on damp environments. The antifungal properties present in Oregano oil kill the fungi. Additionally, it also contains an antimicrobial property that significantly helps in preventing fungal skin infections.

To use this home remedy, mix equal parts oregano oil and virgin olive oil in a bowl and apply this mixture to the affected area. Let this mixture rest on the skin for a couple of hours and finally rinse it away with clean water.  It is recommended that these remedies of oregano oil be adhered to until the problem is completely eradicated.


  1. Hygiene

Maintenance of basic hygiene and wearing loose-fitting cotton clothing, which is easily ventilated may greatly reduce skin fungus. This can both help to prevent future outbreaks of fungal infections and cure current fungal infections faster.


  1. Stay Dry

It is always best to keep feet clean and dry when having a fungal infection. Damp or moist conditions are perfect breeding grounds for fungi and moist damp and dirty feet will most certainly exacerbate the condition. It is therefore in your best interest to always maintain dry and clean feet, especially when suffering from skin fungus.


  1. Tea

Tannin, which is found in black and green tea, is efficient in killing fungi. Tannin also soothes swelling, burning and irritation, symptoms linked with fungal infection.

To use tea as a home remedy, soak tea bags in warm water for ten minutes, chill them in the refrigerator and place chilled bags on affected areas. Repeat this exercise three times per day until the infection clears. Steep five black tea bags in four cups of boiling water for five minutes to treat fungus on the foot and nail bed infections.

black tea, green tea, tea, teabags, fungal

Any type of green or black tea will work for this home remedy

  1. Garlic

Garlic is considered one of the best natural home remedies there is for skin fungus and bacterial skin infections. Daily usage of garlic helps destroy bacterial and fungal growth as well as prevent the spread of skin fungus and bacterial infections. Garlic also has antibacterial and antifungal properties that treat common skin and body illnesses.Garlic cloves may also be added to food and this may hasten healing time for skin fungal infection. One may also consider taking garlic supplements after consulting a doctor.

Observance of basic hygiene should always be prioritized to prevent skin fungal infection. In the event of severe infection, consult a doctor. For its effectiveness, it is suggested that one take four to five garlic cloves per day. Garlic paste can also be manually rubbed on the affected skin. Rubbed garlic paste should be left on the skin for an hour before being washed off. This should be done for two days in succession, then stop for three to four days before starting again. This will prevent skin burn.


  1. Cool Water

Soak affected feet for half an hour in the cooled water twice a day and repeat until infection clears. Make sure you dry your feet off thoroughly after using this remedy before putting back on socks or shoes.


  1. Cornmeal

Organic cornmeal is one interesting natural home remedy for toenail fungus. Corn is a natural host of the fungus that is harmless to the body but deadly to candida, the most common parasite harmful to humans.

To use this home remedy, obtain a container big enough for both feet, mix one cup of cornmeal and about two quarts of water. After the cornmeal has soaked in the water for at least half an hour, immerse both feet in the mixture for half an hour or more. Do this at least once a week to get the best results.


  1. Hydrogen Peroxide

This is a natural home remedy for skin fungus worth trying. It cleans out infections in cuts and clears up skin fungal infections. Hydrogen peroxide solution kills fungal strains. Hydrogen peroxide should be diluted before use as it can cause sensation of irritation if not diluted.

To use this home remedy, add one cup of hydrogen peroxide to one gallon of water. After mixing well, soak the skin for about twenty minutes twice a day. Continue this practice until infection is completely eradicated.


  1. Orange Oil

Make use of a dropper to apply oil on the nails and in-between toes. The oil should soak in for about an hour. Beware that orange oil may be too strong for folks with sensitive skin. Should this be the case with you, dilute the oil at one to one ratio with an all-natural carrier such as olive oil.

Since citrus allergies are common, it is suggested to test orange oil on a healthy skin before application on infected skin. (Most health stores do make provision for this testing.) To learn more about using essential oils safely, read this article.


  1. Olive Leaves

Olive leaves has antimicrobial and antifungal properties effective in killing fungi, boast the immune system and assist quick skin recovery. To use this home remedy, grind a few olive leaves finely to make a smooth paste. Directly apply the paste to the affected area and let it remain for half an hour. Rinse well with lukewarm water and dry thoroughly. Repeat this once or twice daily until the fungal infection is completely wiped out.

Alternatively, you can also brew tea with these leaves and drink two to three cups per day to speed up the recovery process. Add one or two teaspoons of dried ground olive leaves to a cup of boiled water and brew for ten to fifteen minutes. Drink a cup after straining.

olives, olive leaves, fungal infections

Olives and olive leaves

  1. Cranberry Juice

Cranberry is known to effectively treat fungal growth within the digestive and urinary tract. Consume a glass of unsweetened cranberry juice a few times a day until infection disappears. Cranberry can also be taken in the form of dried capsules readily available at most health stores countrywide.


  1. Bleach

Bleach is by nature antifungal and therefore is an effective home remedy for skin fungus. As a result of chemicals present in bleach, many people may experience skin irritation while using it. The smell of bleach may also be unbearable to some.

To use this home remedy, take one capful of bleach and mix it with one cup of clean water. Mix them well and soak a cotton ball in this solution and apply this cotton ball to the affected area. Leave this on the affected area for a few minutes. To prevent skin irritation, wash off with mild soap. Repeat this daily until the infection wears off.


  1. Tea Tree Oil

It is not necessary to use pure tea tree oil, rather make a solution. This should be between 25%- 50% made of cream and 10%  tea tree oil. Apply either for a period of a month or a bit longer to the affected area.


  1. Yogurt

Yogurt is one of the great home remedy for skin fungus that are caused by both fungus and bacteria. Apply plain, unsweetened yogurt containing live and active cultures and leave it on the skin for a few hours. The probiotics available in plain yogurt produces lactic acid which inhibits the growth of fungi.

Alternatively, take two cups of yogurt with live cultures for internal healing. Live cultures in yogurt increases good bacteria and also fight off fungal infection.


  1. Epsom Salt

Mild antiseptic properties present in Epsom salt fight off the growth of fungus on the skin. A combination of Epsom salt and baking soda increases the efficiency of this remedy.

To use this home remedy, mix half a cup each of Epsom salt and baking soda and  add this mixture to your bath. Immerse yourself in the bath for about fifteen minutes. Dry the skin and then apply coconut oil to the affected area. Dust a little baking soda powder at several hours intervals and repeat this practice daily until fungus disappears.


  1. Get Air

Warm and wet environment allow fungus to thrive. Bodily parts that are not well ventilated are moist or wet are perfect breeding grounds for fungus. Wearing fashionable fitting boots daily while questionable also contribute to your problem.


  1. Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is very effective in killing fungi due to the presence of antifungal properties. Scented lavender oil which also contains pure medicinal properties can be applied even when going out. Dilute the lavender oil in another carrier oil or in a moisturizer before using this home remedy. Do this twice a day to get the best results.


  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is quite effective in killing fungal infections because it has antimicrobial properties. It also creates an acidic environment that prevents the spread of the infection. Simply dissolve a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink daily. One can also dilute apple cider vinegar with water in a ratio of one to one, then apply the solution to the affected area for thirty minutes. Finally pat the skin dry.


  1. Vinegar

Vinegar can be used to clean fungus on the skin. Mix one third of vinegar and two third measure of water and soak the affected area for fifteen minutes per day. Wash the area thoroughly after each soak.


  1. Coconut Oil

Besides being a healthy addition to one’s diet, coconut oil is effective treatment for fungal infections. This is because coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acids which work as natural fungicides.

To use this home remedy, dab coconut oil into the affected skin area with a cotton swab and let the oil dry on its own. Do this thrice a day after a shower.

It is safe to treat vaginal infection by inserting a coconut soaked tampon into the vagina and leave it for two hours. Rinse the area with warm water and repeat once per day until the infection is cleared.

coconut oil

You may need to melt the oil on the stove before using it

Which of these home remedies are you most like to use? Comment below.










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