48 Home Remedies for Fibroids

Fibroids are firm, compact, non-cancerous tumors that are found in the uterine walls of the female reproductive system. Also known as uterine myomas, leiomyomas, or fibromas, fibroids are made up of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissues that develop in the uterus. The condition mostly starts small and can grow to the size of a watermelon. This can lead to a change in the shape and size of the uterus without showing any symptoms.

The condition mostly affects women between the ages of 40 and above shows symptoms including pelvic pain, pain during intercourse, low back pain, and a feeling of heaviness in the abdominal region.

Aside from the mentioned symptoms, the fibroid is one of the major causes of sterility and in some cases may even lead to miscarriages. It is therefore paramount that this condition is discussed and everyone is updated with ways to deal with this problem.



There are no known causes of fibroid; however, some factors and health conditions can lead to the fibroid. Some of the factors include:

  • Abnormalities in hormones, blood vessels, or the  vascular system
  • Genetic factors
  • Pregnancy
  • Early menses
  • High body fat
  • Bad lifestyle habits
  • Toxics in the digestive tract
  • Weak immune system
  • Hypertension
  • Infections resulting from the use of IUDs
  • Perineal talc use
  • Endometrial hyperplasia
  • Anovulatory cycles
  • Stress


Signs and Symptoms

A fibroid can actually present itself with or without symptoms, but when it does they may include the following:

  • Lower back pain
  • Painful intercourse
  • Frequent urination
  • Pelvic pain
  • Heavy menstrual period
  • Constipation
  • A feeling of heaviness in the lower parts of the abdomen
  • Severe menstrual cramps
  • Infertility problems
  • Repeated miscarriages


Home Remedies for Fibroids

In most cases, fibroids are treated by surgical operations to remove the tumors (myomectomy). However, the fibroid can reoccur and may necessitate another surgery to remove the new tumor. These surgeries can end up leaving scars in the womb and may affect your chances of conceiving. Sometimes, the uterus of the woman may have to be removed completely to salvage the situation. Due to the undesired complications that may arise with this form of treatment, you can rely on some natural remedies to treat the condition. Below are a number of natural remedies that may be useful in dealing with this condition.

  1. Exercise

Waking up early in the morning for a thirty-minute exercise before the start of your day is not an easy thing. However, exercise has proven to be very effective in treating several health conditions. Women with fibroids can pick up a type of exercise, including practicing yoga to enhance the treatment of the condition. Practicing yoga can boost your menstrual cycle and promote the general well-being of your body.

jogging, exercise, heroin

Make sure to stretch before you exercise to reduce cramping

  1. Healthy Diet

Having a healthy meal rich in all the essential mineral can prevent many health conditions. For fibroids, you should always eat meals rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties to be able to shrink the tumor. You should also eat foods rich in fiber and iron for proper circulation of blood in the body. Do not forget to add fruits and vegetables to your diet.


  1. Hydration

Water makes up more than 70 percent of the component of the body. This tells you that, water is very important for the development of the body. Taking in enough fluid can flush out disease-causing toxins from the body and replenish it. You can choose to drink plenty of water or rely on fruits like watermelon and citrus, which has high fluid content. Drink at least eight cups of water daily to promote good health.


  1. Castor Oil

Castor oil is known to contain ricinoleic acid, which has anti-inflammatory properties that may help to reduce the fibroid. The application of a castor oil pack on the abdomen helps to stimulate the production of lymphocytes that help to remove toxins from the body.

To use this remedy, all you need is to soak a large piece of wool in castor oil and place it on your abdomen. Wrap the wool and place a heating pad on it for steadily for an hour. Repeat this remedy three times a week until you see improvements in your condition.


  1. Nettle Herb

The nettle herb boasts as one of the effective remedies for treating fibroid because of its ability to improve the symptoms associated with the menstrual cycle and boost fertility. It is a rich source of calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, and zinc, which help to boost the immune system. Nettle can also cleanse the system of toxins.

Treat your fibroid with nettle herb by adding some washed nettle leaves to two cups of boiling water. Allow it to boil for about twenty minutes and remove from fire. Pour one cup of it and add some honey to taste. Drink this tea twice daily for effective results.


  1. Chasteberry

Chasteberry helps to regulate blood flow during menstruation. It is also known to maintain hormonal balance and reduce inflammations. This has made it one of the effective remedies for dealing with fibroids. All you need is to take 30 drops of chasteberry tincture four times a day. Use this until the condition improves and is apparently resolved.

chasteberry, flower, herb, breast pain

Chasteberry flowers

  1. Garlic

A regular intake of garlic is another way of dealing with the problem of fibroids. Garlic contains antioxidants and is a good source of vitamins B6 and C, as well as various minerals, which help in maintaining a good hormonal balance to prevent and treat fibroids.

All you need is to chew some raw garlic cloves daily or on a regular basis. You can also crush a clove and add to hot water. Wait for about five minutes and drink.


  1. Olive Oil

Olive oil can help regulate the level of estrogen production in the body and hence is very effective in dealing with fibroid. All you need to do is to take one tablespoonful of olive oil every morning on an empty stomach.


  1. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is very effective when it comes to dealing with fibroid. This is attributed to the fact that lemon juice contains antioxidants and vitamins such as vitamin C, which is very useful in ensuring hormonal balance in the body.

All you need is to add two teaspoons of lemon juice to a glass of water and add one teaspoon of baking soda to the mixture. Stir the solution properly and drink. Drinking this solution daily helps to reduce symptoms associated with fibroid.


  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has also been noted to offer relief from symptoms of fibroids. Apart from containing acetic acid, which is antibacterial in nature, it also contains chemicals that help to shrink fibroids and cure this condition in the long run. To use this in treating your fibroids, add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to eight ounces of water and consume. Drink this daily to ensure quick remediation of the condition.


  1. Ginger

Garlic contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that make it an effective remedy for fibroid. It helps to improve blood circulation and therefore can enhance your menstrual cycle. You can prepare a tea with ginger by peeling and boiling some fresh ginger roots in water for twenty minutes. Strain it and drink. You can take this tea three times daily until the condition improves.

Ginger tea, tea, ad, shop

Traditional Medicinals Organic Ginger Tea, 16-pack ($3.75)

  1. Milk Mixture

Milk is a rich source of protein and is very effective in curing fibroid. You can add other ingredients to the milk to make is more effective. All you need is a glass of warm milk, add one teaspoon of turmeric powder, coriander powder, and Triphala powder to it and stir. Drink this milk twice daily until your condition improves.


  1. Soybeans

Soybeans contain phytoestrogen, which helps to control the amount of estrogen production in the body. It is also a rich source of proteins and other minerals, hence, can help in dealing with fibroid. Just add soybeans to your meal and consume frequently. Other sources of soy, like soy milk and tofu, will also work.


  1. Fatty Fish

Fish such as tuna, herrings, and salmon are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids are also a rich source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, which show good prowess in curing fibroid. Therefore, you are encouraged to include fish in your diet regularly.


  1. Honey

Honey can be used in the treatment of fibroids when combined with pollen and aloe juice. All types of honey contain antioxidants that can help in the treatment of fibroids. To make this remedy, add one teaspoon full of honey to a glass of water and a tablespoon of pollen to it. You can now add some aloe vera juice to it and stir to mix. You can now drink it. Use it daily to cure the fibroids.


  1. Aloe Vera Gel Mixture

Aloe vera has been used for many years in treating various health conditions due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. All you need is to extract aloe vera juice by cutting open the edges. You can now use a spoon to extract the juice into a glass. Add a glass of beetroot juice to it and stir to mix. Next, add some lemon juice to the mixture and one tablespoon of blackstrap molasses. Add some water to the mixture and drinks. Drink this tea once daily for effective results.

aloe vera gel, ad, shop

Organic Aloe Vera Gel ($13.89)

  1. Reishi Mushrooms

Reishi mushrooms are rich in compounds that help reduce the growth of fibroids by limiting histamine levels in the body. For this remedy, reishi mushrooms should be brewed into a tea by boiling 5gm of the mushrooms in about five cups of water and allow the mixture to simmer for two hours. This can be taken on a daily bases.


  1. Goldenseal Roots

Goldenseal roots are noted to have anti-inflammatory properties, which help in combating tissue related problems, especially in the uterus. It is also known to possess an alkaloid called berberine, which actually halts the growth of fibroid tumors.

To use this remedy, brew tea with the goldenseal roots by adding one teaspoon of goldenseal, beetroot,and false unicorn root to a cup of water and heat until the mixture simmers for some few minutes. Allow it to steep for twenty more minutes and strain. Drink two cups of the tea every day for three to six months.


  1. Dandelion Roots

Dandelion leaves may be more famous for its health benefits and the roots are noted to be very useful in treating fibroids. The roots help in maintaining good estrogen levels within the body. To prepare dandelion tea, add three tablespoons of dandelion root to one and a half cups of simmering water and allow the mixture to heat for fifteen minutes. You can now strain it and drink. Drink three cups of this tea each day to get the best results.


  1. Licorice Roots

The distinctive sweet scent of licorice roots makes it very noticeable when present. However, it is not only popular because of its sweet scent, but also its medicinal prowess in dealing with tumors. Licorice roots have anti-inflammatory properties that help in fighting fibroid growth. It also helps to check the levels of estrogen within the body.

You can prepare a tea with licorice by adding some red clove to it. Brew it for about thirty minutes and strain. You should take this daily to help prevent further development and growth of the fibroids.


  1. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile is a very popular and effective health remedy used for many years in that regard. It has also one of the tried and tested remedies for treating fibroid due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic components.

You can make Chamomile tea by adding two teaspoons of chamomile to a cup of water and boil for three minutes. Allow it to stand for another three minutes and then strained. You can now add a few drops of lemon juice and drink. Take this tea twice daily for effective results.

Organic Chamomile Tea, 15-pack ($5.49)

  1. Willow Bark

Willow bark is considered one of the effective remedies for treating fibroids. It possesses anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent the growth of tumors, as well as help, maintain good hormonal levels within the body.

To use this, just collect some bark of the willow tree and bring to boiling for ten minutes in two cups of water. You should then strain the mixture and consume two to three times daily to help cure this condition.


  1. Evening Primrose Oil

Supplements of evening primrose oil are a good way to cure and ward off tumorous growths in general. The intake of these supplements is known to help in treating uterine fibroid. Tablets of primrose supplements should be ingested on a daily basis to help cure uterine fibroid. Make sure to take the supplements as directed on the packaging.


  1. Motherwort

Motherwort is well known in dealing with menstrual cramps but can also be used to help prevent and treat uterine fibroids, as it contains leonurine, which is a compound that helps to relax the muscles of the uterus.

To use this you should add two teaspoons of dried motherwort to a cup of boiling water and allow to stand for fifteen minutes. You can now strain the solution and consume. Take this three times daily for effective results.


  1. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is known to be highly effective in the treatment of uterine fibroids. It is an aromatic spice that possesses anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties as well as being rich in antioxidants. To use cinnamon for the treatment of uterine fibroids,  you should mix a half teaspoon of cinnamon powder with a quarter teaspoon of baking soda. Add to a cup of milk and heat it for a few minutes. You can now consume it. Use this twice daily.


  1. Milk Thistle Tincture

Milk thistle is one of the effective remedies for treating fibroids because it can reduce the production of excess estrogen. Estrogen contributes to the development of fibroid as it regulates the cells to grow faster than it should. To use this remedy, all you need is to take 10 to 20 drops of milk thistle tincture three times a day. You can use this for three months to four months for it to work effectively.

milk thistle, flower, fibriods

Milk thistle flowers

  1. Indian Gooseberry

Indian gooseberry, also known as amla, is one of the many effective Ayurveda remedies used to reduce and prevent fibroids. It is a rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants, which both curtail the development of fibroids. Indian gooseberry can cleanse the system of all harmful toxins to promote health. You can use Indian gooseberry by adding one teaspoon of the powder to honey and consume. Use this remedy on an empty stomach in the morning for a couple of months to get the best results.


  1. Burdock Root Tea

The production of excess estrogen in the body is one of the factors which contribute to the development of fibroids. However, the use of burdock root can enhance the liver’s effectiveness in metabolizing estrogen to reduce the development of fibroids. Burdock root also contains lignan arctigenin that prevent the growth of new fibroid tumors.

You can prepare burdock root tea by adding one teaspoon of dried burdock root to a cup of hot water. Allow it to steep for about ten minutes, strain and consume. You should use this three times daily. You can also rely on burdock root tincture to achieve the same results. Use this remedy for four months to be effective.


  1. Green Tea

Green tea contains antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiproliferative properties and other minerals that can be helpful in treating fibroid. It contains the compound, epigallocatechin gallate, which especially curtails the growth of fibroid cells. The use of green tea can actually reduce the symptoms of fibroids. All you need is to boil hot water and add a green tea bag to it. Allow it to steep for about five minutes and drink. Use this for some months to be effective.


  1. Echinacea

Another effective natural remedy for treating fibroid is Echinacea. It contains anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and antiviral properties and is able to flush out toxins from the body. Prepare an Echinacea tea by adding dried leaves to hot water and allow to steep for five minutes. Strain it and drink. Drink this tea twice daily for effective results.  


  1. Pau d’Arco

Pau d’Arco contains antifungal and antibacterial properties that can prevent free radicals from causing damage to the body. It also contains anti-inflammatory, astringent, antiphrastic, and laxative properties that flush out toxins and shrink the fibroid. You can prepare a tea with Pau d’Arco by adding two teaspoons of the Pau d’Arco powder to four cups of boiling water. Allow it to boil for twenty minutes and remove from fire. Allow it to sit for about one more hour, strain and drink one cup daily. You can also use the tea for a vaginal wash.


  1. Onion

Onion contains antioxidant properties that make it effective in treating fibroids. It is able to balance your hormones and subdue the development of tumors. All you need is to do is eat raw onions on an empty stomach. You can also prepare onion juice and consume twice daily.

red onion, onion, common cold

Any kind of onion should work for this home remedy

  1. Black Cohosh Root

Black cohosh root is an effective remedy for treating fertility problems and its related health conditions including fibroids. It is able to enhance the flow of blood in the body and during menstruation. It also contains properties that deal with the premenstrual disorder and menstrual pains. Black cohosh can reduce any inflammation of the uterus and relax it. All you need is to boil one cup of water and add one teaspoon of black cohosh. To enhance its taste, you can add a little honey to it. Drink the tea twice daily for effective results.


  1. Dong Quai Root

Dong Quai root can improve blood circulation in the reproductive system and can ensure the smooth flow of blood during menstruation. As it ensures that fresh flow of blood, it also removes all damaged tissues, dead tissues, reduce the scars on tissue, prevent the formation of adhesion, as well as the growth excess tissue. Through this, it is able to prevent and treat fibroid tumors.

You can prepare an herbal tea with Dong Quai roots, by adding one teaspoon of the powder to a cup of hot water. Allow it to steep for ten minutes and drink. Use this twice a day to burn your fibroid.


  1. Lady’s Mantle

This powerful herb is able to regulate your menstrual cycle to prevent any abnormal and inconsistent menstrual flow. Lady’s mantle is especially effective in treating uterine fibroids. You can prepare a tea with lady’s mantle by first boiling some water. You can now add some lady’s mantle to it and allow to boil for five more minutes. Remove from fire and allow to cool a bit before drinking. Use this remedy twice daily to reduce the symptoms of fibroids.


  1. Red Raspberry Leaf

Red raspberry is not only effective in treating sterility problems but can also cure one of its main causes, fibroids. It contains calcium and other properties and can play a role as a uterine tonic. Red raspberry can enhance blood circulation and the flow of blood during menstruation cycle and boost the health of the reproductive organs. Its astringent properties can help to relax internal and external tissues and prevent hemorrhage due to excessive bleeding.

You can prepare a tea with fresh or dried leaves. Just chop some of the leaves and add to a cup of boiling water. Allow it to stay for five to ten minutes and remove from fire. Strain it and drink. You can use a raspberry tea bag and follow the same procedure. Raspberry is also in capsule form and takes under the recommendation of a doctor.

raspberry, berries, leaves, fiber, hormonal

Red raspberry leaves can be found on raspberry bushes

  1. Maitake Mushroom

The maitake mushroom is believed to contain anti-tumor properties. It is able to treat many health conditions and can reduce the symptoms of fibroids. The maitake mushroom is able to boost your immune system and make it function well, as well as fight cancer and tumors. It can also promote glucose metabolism. You can have maitake mushroom in tincture form and consume as recommended.


  1. Master Cleanse

You can prepare a master to cleanse to flush your system of all toxins and this by so doing will also eliminate dead cells and tumors. This cleanses can also balance your hormone to prevent any overproduction that causes a tumor.

You can prepare a master to cleanse by adding two tablespoons each of lemon juice and grade B maple syrup to ten ounces of water. You can now add a little cayenne powder to it and stir well. Drink six glasses of this concoction daily. It will reduce inflammation and subsequently shrink the fibroid.


  1. Banana and Corn

Banana is a rich source of fiber and other minerals including potassium and is able to flush out toxins in the body. Combining it with corn makes it an effective remedy to treat fibroid tumors in the uterus. All you need is to prepare a tea by first boiling a quart of water. Add five bananas, two corn cobs,  and five sheets of achiote to the boiling water. Let it boil for five more minutes and remove from heat. Allow it to stand for ten more minutes and strain. Drink this tea as many times as you can within the day.


  1. Triphala Powder

Triphala powder is an effective remedy for treating uterine fibroids. You can use this powder in different ways for this treatment. You add choose to add one teaspoon of the powder to milk or water and allow it to soak for ten minutes. Stir well and drink. You should consume this while going to bed.


  1. Warm Compress

As a fibroid tumor is associated with pains, you can use a warm compress to reduce this symptom. It is very easy to use. Just boil some water and put it in a hot water bottle. Now cover your abdomen area with a towel and place the hot water bottle on the area. Move it steadily from one place to the other to avoid causing burns. Repeating this twice daily can help melt the tumor.


  1. Sea Greens

Some sea greens have proven to be very effective in treating fibroid. It is a rich source of essential fatty acids and other minerals effective in treating the condition. The essential fatty acids help to break down saturated fats that contribute to the development of fibroids. Sea greens, including dulse and nori, are also a rich source of fiber and are very effective in treating uterine fibroid. All you need is to add sea greens to your cooking to benefit from them.

sushi, nori, rice, fish, hyperthyroidism

Nori is a type of edible seaweed which is often used in sushi

  1. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha has been used for centuries in treating many health conditions and this great remedy has also proven to be effective for fibroid. It contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which boosts your immune system to promote general wellbeing. Using ashwagandha can, therefore, be used to treat some of the symptoms of the fibroid. To use it in treating your condition, add one teaspoon of ashwagandha powder to a glass of warm water. Stir and drink. Use this remedy twice daily.


  1. Asparagus Racemosus

Asparagus racemosu is one of the longest-used ingredients for treating health conditions. It has been used for centuries in treating female sterility problems including symptoms of fibroids. It is used in treating stress, low interest in sex and increases your energy level among others. You can eat fresh asparagus leaves to treat your condition.


  1. Bacopa Monneiri (Brahmi)

Brahmi contains numerous medicinal properties and has been used for many years in that regard. It is able to treat some underlying factors of fibroids including menstrual disorder and symptoms like stress and pains among others. The herb contains antioxidant properties, which flush out toxins from the body to prevent any damages. Take this herb as recommended.


  1. Bee Propolis

Bee propolis contains anti-inflammatory properties, which can deal with the inflammation that may arise from fibroids. It is also able to ensure proper hormonal balance. You can purchase it from any herbal store and use as recommended.


  1. Cramp Bark

Cramp bark has been used as one of the effective remedies for treating uterine conditions and fibroids. It is able to reduce the pains in the uterus and relax muscles. It is also effective in dealing with menstrual cramps by promoting blood circulation. You can prepare a tea with cramp bark by adding one teaspoon of dried bark to one cup of boiling water. Allow it to simmer for ten minutes and remove from fire. Strain and drink a half cup three times daily.


  1. White Peony

White peony is an effective remedy for treating fibroid due to its ability to improve blood circulation in the body, particularly in the pelvic area. It is able to improve the iron level in women with menorrhagia and has been used in that regard for many years in traditional Chinese medicines. White peony can be used in treating uterine stagnation conditions like a uterine fibroid. You can prepare a decoction with white peony by adding one teaspoon of it to a cup of hot water. Allow it to steep for about ten minutes and consume.   

peony, flower, fibroids

White peony flower

The key to maintaining a good health and avoiding uterine fibroids is to adopt a healthy lifestyle by eating right and doing away with bad habits as well as getting enough rest.











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