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Stephen Amponsah Mensah, Author at Home Remedies For All Kinds Of Ailments | Top 8 Home Remedies

Author: Stephen Amponsah Mensah

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48 Home Remedies for Female Sterility

The issue of infertility or sterility is a great source of worry for many couples. A woman is considered infertile or has a sterility challenge when after a year of unprotected sex, she is unable to get pregnant. Even when she is able to get pregnant but unable to maintain the pregnancy or have a miscarriage in the process, she is still termed to have sterility problem.

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42 Home Remedies for a Hangover

It [hangover] is mostly associated with a headache, nausea, dizzy spells, body pains, confusion and thirst just among others. The severity of these ill experiences is dependent on the amount of alcohol you took as well as how much alcohol your body can tolerate.

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50 Home Remedies for Gum Disease

Gum disease, also known as periodontitis, is a condition that occurs during an overgrowth of bacteria in the buccal cavity. This can cause the tooth to be loosed due to the destruction of the tissue and bones surrounding the teeth. The initial stages of gum diseases known as gingivitis are characterized by swollen gum, reddened, and bleeding gum while eating or brushing.


33 Home Remedies for Angular Cheilitis

Angular cheilitis is a condition that creates redness and ultimately sores at the corners of your mouth. The condition caused by bacteria or fungi can bring you severe pain and discomfort whenever you open your mouth.


48 Home Remedies for Fibroids

Fibroids are firm, compact, non-cancerous tumors that are found in the uterine walls of the female reproductive system. Also known as uterine myomas, leiomyomas, or fibromas, fibroids are made up of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissues that develop in the uterus. The condition mostly starts small and can grow to the size of a watermelon. This can lead to a change in the shape and size of the uterus without showing any symptoms.


20 Home Remedies to Treat a Concussion

A concussion is a minor form of brain injury caused by a severe blow to the head, accident, a fall, or any other condition that shakes the brain. When this happens, there may be outward damage to the head or face, but the damage to the brain will need a diagnosis. In most cases, symptoms of a concussion may take longer to show after the incident.


57 Home Remedies for Fair Skin

Even though there are some medical conditions, especially minor burns that may also demand skin toning, many people see fair skin as beautiful and attractive. Due to this craze, several skin products have emerged on the market, purporting to contain ingredients that can give you a fair skin in the shortest possible time. However, most of these skin products contain chemicals that can damage the skin in the long term. To avoid this, you can resort to natural ways to achieve a perfect fair skin free from any complications. Here are some natural remedies for fair skin.


40 Home Remedies for Genital Itching

In cases the genital itching is caused by an irritant, the condition may well be reversed automatically when such irritant is eliminated. Other forms of itching will need special attention and treatment to get rid of.


41 Home Remedies to Boost Your Immune System

The immune system is the defense mechanism of the body, which is made up of cells, tissues, and organs that defend the body against any foreign attacks. The immune system protects the body against parasites, bacteria, viruses, and fungi that cause diseases and other defects. Your immune system can be termed as the second line of defense to human system aside from the physical defense mechanisms including the skin and the mucous membrane. This means that, when the immune system is attacked or becomes vulnerable, the human system falls victim to several diseases. This is when one may experience several frequent illnesses, slow recovery from ailments, fatigue, slow development, digestive disorders, and allergies.  

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29 Home Remedies for a Bloated Stomach

The stomach becomes bloated when excess gas is accumulated in the small intestines. The condition results in the stomach is visibly swollen. A bloated stomach comes with several discomforts and even embarrassing sometimes since it can affect your stature and personal appearance. The most worrying part is that some come with symptoms like general pains, lower back pains, belching, diarrhea, and cramps, difficulty breathing, and heartburn, among several others.