Tagged: alcoholism

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42 Home Remedies for a Hangover

It [hangover] is mostly associated with a headache, nausea, dizzy spells, body pains, confusion and thirst just among others. The severity of these ill experiences is dependent on the amount of alcohol you took as well as how much alcohol your body can tolerate.

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30 Home Remedies for Alcoholism

Alcoholism results when there is a mental and physical addiction to the consumption of alcohol. When the use of alcohol is continued for a long time, there will be resultant effects on an individual’s mental and physical state. The implications of alcohol use show up in the digestive tracts, heart, pancreas, and the network of nerves in the human body.

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30 Home Remedies for Beriberi

All forms of tingling and pain or the loss of feeling in hands and feet are commonly categorized as symptoms of dry beriberi. Other more drastic symptoms include muscle wasting, forms of paralysis, and brain damage scenarios.

Wet beriberi symptoms consist of swelling, increased heartbeat rate, lung blockage, an enlarged heart, which is predominantly linked to heart failure.