Tagged: fennel

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18 Home Remedies for Emphysema

Emphysema is an ailment that impedes respiratory efficiency in sufferers. As a result, it is regarded as a lung impediment. When someone has emphysema, there is a destruction of tissues found in the lungs, which lines smaller airways found around this vital organs. As the tissues get damaged, there is an impediment to bronchioles, which normally makes it possible for metabolized air to be expelled from the lungs. A damage to this tissue prevents the metabolized from leaving the lungs. The trapped air is therefore retained in the linings or sacs of the inner alveoli in an ill-advised manner.

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21 Home Remedies for Body Odor

What causes body odor is the bacteria on the body breaking sweat down into different acids that give off smells. Things like diabetes, puberty, and hyperhidrosis can cause you to release different amounts of body odor. While sweat occurs everywhere, there a couple of different places that build up more sweat. Those places include the following: behind the ears, the belly button, genitals and groin, armpits, and feet.

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41 Home Remedies for Alzheimer’s Symptoms

One of the irreversible brain disorders that afflict individuals is the Alzheimer’s disease. This disease is a progressive one that was discovered in the year 1906 by Alois Alzheimer. The disease was first diagnosed at a German mental institution by the medical practitioner the disease was named after.


20 Home Remedies to Treat a Concussion

A concussion is a minor form of brain injury caused by a severe blow to the head, accident, a fall, or any other condition that shakes the brain. When this happens, there may be outward damage to the head or face, but the damage to the brain will need a diagnosis. In most cases, symptoms of a concussion may take longer to show after the incident.


13 Home Remedies for Acid Reflux in Babies

Acid reflux in babies can be surprisingly common. It’s very common for babies to burp and spit up. However, if frequent vomiting is an issue, it’s worth going to a doctor about. It could be due to Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. Otherwise known as acid reflux.


27 Home Remedies for Gassy Babies

Does your child constantly struggle with breaking or releasing wind? Flatulence, commonly referred to as gas pain, is quite normal to every human being. Releasing gas is a natural, unavoidable human behavior that is understandable. The inability to pass gas easily has grave implications for the digestive system and the entire body. Gas problems may also be experienced by toddlers. This may be due to some special food or habit that triggers intestinal gas accumulation.

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23 Health Benefits of Popular Teas

There are dozens of types of teas to choose from when you are shopping. You are likely to consider taste and caffeine contents. Once you read through this article, you may also want to consider what the tea you drink can do to improve your overall health.

This article will discuss some of the most popular teas (including herbal teas) and the ways that they can help to reduce specific symptoms of ailments and how they can boost your overall health.

When you have the option, it is best to make your tea at home with fresh or dried ingredients. Instant teas often have sugar listed as one of the major ingredients. This can reduce the effectiveness of the tea or completely counteract the tea’s natural health benefits.