Tagged: food

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30 Home Remedies for Beriberi

All forms of tingling and pain or the loss of feeling in hands and feet are commonly categorized as symptoms of dry beriberi. Other more drastic symptoms include muscle wasting, forms of paralysis, and brain damage scenarios.

Wet beriberi symptoms consist of swelling, increased heartbeat rate, lung blockage, an enlarged heart, which is predominantly linked to heart failure.


33 Home Remedies for Autism Symptoms

There are certain causes that are possible for this disorder. These causes vary from problems in the pregnancy and childbirth, virus-related contaminations, exposure to certain environmental elements or contaminants and even allergies to certain foods such as gluten or dairy products. Autism is NOT caused by vaccines.


46 Home Remedies for Bad Breath

Although bad smell or halitosis may occasionally be formed on the basis of less than desired oral care, other fundamental reasons may also contribute to the bad smell. These are regularly challenging to solve, regardless of measures to maintain a consistent daily teeth cleaning schedule. This can spur some misery that can lead to inferiority complex and poor social interactions.

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51 Home Remedies for Angina

Angina Pectoris, better known as angina, is a result of the buildup of cholesterol in your body system in which causes the blood vessels become narrowed and blocked. This is due to the decreased flow of oxygen and blood to your coronary tissues. As a result of this, an increased demand for oxygen is recorded in the heart leading to angina the resulting pain.

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51 Home Remedies for Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia Nervosa is a type of eating disorder that affects people all over the world. Women who are in their teen years or early adult years are most likely to be affected by this disorder. This is in part because of the social pressure put on women to be thin. Over-exercising an under-eating can lead to rapid, and often unhealthy, weight loss. However, other factors, like anxiety, depression, and certain genetic factors can also lead to Anorexia Nervose.