Tagged: garlic


41 Home Remedies to Boost Your Immune System

The immune system is the defense mechanism of the body, which is made up of cells, tissues, and organs that defend the body against any foreign attacks. The immune system protects the body against parasites, bacteria, viruses, and fungi that cause diseases and other defects. Your immune system can be termed as the second line of defense to human system aside from the physical defense mechanisms including the skin and the mucous membrane. This means that, when the immune system is attacked or becomes vulnerable, the human system falls victim to several diseases. This is when one may experience several frequent illnesses, slow recovery from ailments, fatigue, slow development, digestive disorders, and allergies.  


42 Home Remedies for Brittle Nails

Having strong nails is key to having healthy nails, as well as long nails. When nails are brittle, they are more prone to breakage and other damage. By following the home remedies listed in this article you can both learn how to prevent weak nails and make your nail stronger.


17 Home Remedies for Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical spondylosis is a condition that affects the framework of the neck and its effect can be felt around the joints. It is noted and reported as age-related and as such, wear and tear has a role to play for the condition to result.  The cervical spine is an area of focus as it is made up of a network of cartilage and bones, which gets worn down with aging. Other factors have been identified with time as contributory to the ailment, and they are also easily recognizable.


30 Home Remedies for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

The condition known as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)  is a condition that is common with adults who have to put their hands to use daily. People who are engaged in driving, typing or other forms of manual mobility-based jobs are most at risk. The incidence of CTS is thought to affect about 4% of the global population.

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26 Home Remedies for Peptic Ulcers

Peptic ulcers, better known simply as ulcers, are sores that are inside the stomach or intestines. Both gastric and duodenal ulcers are types of peptic ulcers. Because this ailment is so common, it is important to know how to treat and prevent it.


41 Home Remedies for Chest Congestion

Chest congestion describes a tightness in the chest. It can also be a heavy feeling in the chest region, and it happens when there is poor circulation within this framework of the body. When there is a failure of circulation, the movement of oxygen within the lungs becomes restricted or poor. The underlying reason for chest congestion varies as it might depend on a range of ailments or infections.


39 Home Remedies for Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramps occur when there is an involuntary and sudden contraction of a couple of muscles. Anytime you are caught in that sudden contraction, it becomes clearer to you that the pains can be severe. It is not considered a fatal bout of pain but it leads to a momentary inability to move the part of the body affected.

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39 Home Remedies for Dark Spots

When dark spots appear on the skin, they can become a source of discomfort. When they appear on the face, they affect the beauty of the person affected. Dark spots can also reduce the self esteem of anyone affected. The discoloration associated with dark spots might make people wear longer sleeves in shirts and blouses, and also pants on the legs to cover the dark spots.

Dark spots can be eliminated with cosmetics and a range of medical options depending on the severity. However, using home remedies provides a stress-free and cheaper alternative in this regard.


33 Home Remedies for Foot and Toenail Fungus

Onychomycosis, best known as toenail fungus, is a condition caused by an abnormal pH level of the skin. It can also result from the build-up of sweat in shoes, bad foot hygiene, wearing synthetic socks, and a weak immune system. The condition is characterized by inflammation, yellowing of the toenail, abnormal pains of the toe and toenail, swelling, thickening, and crumbling.


40 Home Remedies for a Dry Scalp

Dry scalp can result from simple and overlooked practices. When the scalp is dry, there is bound to be an underlying reason. While the place of ailments and infections can also not be left out here, it is important to always act swiftly whenever a change in your scalp condition is noticed. Early action is crucial in most cases and can prevent deterioration.