Tagged: tea

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42 Home Remedies for a Hangover

It [hangover] is mostly associated with a headache, nausea, dizzy spells, body pains, confusion and thirst just among others. The severity of these ill experiences is dependent on the amount of alcohol you took as well as how much alcohol your body can tolerate.


19 Home Remedies for Colon Cancer

Your colon is the last part of your large intestine and the last part of your digestive tract. When the cancer is first developing, you get what is called adenomatous polyps. Adenomatous polyps are non-cancerous lumps that turn into colon cancer as time goes on.


24 Home Remedies for Nosebleeds

A nosebleed is when the blood vessels in your nose break and/or start leaking. Your nose is very gentle and it doesn’t take a lot for your nose to start bleeding. On that note, nosebleeds are very common and hardly ever hint at a larger issue.

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35 Home Remedies for High Uric Acid in the Blood

Hyperuricemia is the condition that results when there is a high level of uric acid in the bloodstream. It can also result as a result of poor excretion through the normal kidney channels. If left untreated, it can lead to renal failures, kidney stones, hypertension, gout, arthritis, as well as cardiovascular diseases.

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24 Home Remedies for Hives

Hives are a skin rash that appears as swollen, red, and itchy bumps. They can appear in one place, appear in another, and the patterns in which they appear often changes. Hives are rarely ever dangerous or come with a serious condition.

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40 Home Remedies for Dry Skin

There are many reasons responsible for dry skin that can be identified and remedied. When your skin is dry, there is a tendency for it to become flaky after a while if steps are not taken to have it moisturized. Apart from the obvious exposure to environmental conditions that prove harmful, poor health, inadequate nutrient intake, and bad habits can cause skin dryness.


25 Home Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is when you feel the need to move your leg because there’s an uncomfortable or sometimes even painful feeling in it. This condition usually gets worse at night and is known to get better for a short while if you reposition the hurting leg. This condition can appear at any age and has a tendency to get worse as you age.

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20 Home Remedies for a Dry Cough

There are a handful of ways you can cough without actually clearing your throat of anything. These coughs can ever happen when you’re not ill.  Nonproductive coughs are also called dry coughs. Asthma and the harsh panting or wheezing it brings can dry your throat and make you cough.


26 Home Remedies for Hearing Loss

Some damage to the ear cannot be reversed with medical attention and sometimes SNHL and Conductive Hearing Loss need surgery so they do not cause permanent problems. If your hearing does not improve after a few days of using these natural remedies, please make an appointment with your doctor.

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22 Home Remedies for Lactose Intolerance

Being intolerant to lactose means that you’re allergic to, or at least unable to fully digest the sugar called lactose in, dairy products. Most lactose intolerant people can manage their intolerance enough that they don’t have to give up dairy completely.