Monthly Archive: April 2018


43 Home Remedies for Fibrocystic Breasts

A fibrocystic breast is identified as one that has bumpy tissues massed up internally. The condition is also identified as the glandular breast tissue. Interestingly, many women do have this condition as they go through life. The occurrence of this condition can be regarded as common but it is also manageable and is addressed as fibrocystic breast changes.

These breast lumps can cause some tenderness and slight pains along the upper and outlying regions of the breasts. At some point, the pains might be aggravated by the menstrual cycle but this is not likely to linger.


42 Home Remedies for Facial Paralysis

Paralysis can be a life-threatening ailment and no matter how it manifests, it is unpleasant for the patient. The commonest cause of facial paralysis is Stroke while Bell’s palsy ranks next.


36 Home Remedies for Eye Infections

When you are faced with eye problems, it is important to see an ophthalmologist. This is necessary as the requisite professional with the training and experience years is better suited to examine you.

Your doctor might prescribe antibiotics for use when eye infections occur. The use of antiviral medications is also commonly practiced. However, this process is only possible after the doctor determines the basis of the infection.


35 Home Remedies for an Enlarged Prostate

The enlargement of a prostate is determined when a rectal examination is carried out. It can also come to light when there is an examination of any fluid discharged by the patient. Also, urinalysis can be done in order to track any sign of infection or possible inflammation. The use of a blood test as well as an ultrasound can also help detect the ailment. If you suspect that your prostate is enlarged, see a doctor to get a proper diagnosis.


21 Home Remedies for Earwax Buildup

Ear wax results from a process of the normal body immune system. This is in place to ward off bacteria and accumulation of dirt in the ear tracts. The ear wax can sometimes find its way to the outlying areas of the ear tract. When spotted, washing it off becomes easy.

If left unhindered, the buildup of earwax leads to blockage in the ear canal. This can affect either ear or both. This may even cause hearing problems. It is commonly reported that usage of cotton swabs can lead to blockages by pushing the earwax into the inner tracts. This is where care needs to apply when cleaning the ear.

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30 Home Remedies for Dry Socket

Dry sockets should become a cause of concern if the side effects or symptoms cannot be cured with the medicines given by pharmacists. More often than not, dry socket occurs after a tooth has been extracted.

Medicines available in chemists as well as natural cures are effective in remedying the condition. However, when dry socket is accompanied by a persistent fever as well as a swollen lymph node in the neck or along the jawline, closer attention is needed. This brings about the need to consult a specialist.

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31 Home Remedies for Dizziness

Dizziness is a health condition that occurs suddenly and most of the time, it disappears in like manner. Feeling dizzy is usually not a reason to worry too much unless the dizziness seems more serious than normal.  The worrying cases can be linked to other illness indicators like fainting and erratic heartbeats.

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38 Home Remedies for Dry Hair

Usually, people who have a dry skin type suffer from the problem of dry hair as well. Dry hair is a term given to hair that lacks natural sheen and is of a very rough texture.

The hair is similar to the skin and is made out of three layers which work in unison. This means that there are outer and inner layers of your hair. The outer hair layer protects the inner hair layers. A damaged top hair layer is the root of the dry hair problem. The sebaceous gland is responsible for releasing oil into the hair. A person suffering from dry hair usually has had their natural oils depleted through various activities.

Chlorine water splashing, sun tanning, prolonged exposure to heat from dryers and styling tools are all unhealthy actions. These actions strip your hair of its natural oils and cause dry hair. Both men and women can experience symptoms of dry hair.

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37 Home Remedies for Mastitis (Breast Infection)

The joys of being a new breastfeeding mother are often accompanied with bleeding nipples and nipple cracks. These cracks can be the cause of a more painful breast infection called mastitis. Mastitis can cause immense pain and is sometimes curable with the use of antibiotics.


35 Home Remedies for the Chickenpox

hickenpox is not as common as is used to be, as there is a reliable vaccine for it. If possible, it is best to get a vaccine, instead of risking getting the chickenpox. Vaccines do not cause autism. It is also much better to not have chickenpox than to get it. Children who are exposed to chickenpox are likely to get shingles when they are older. Chickenpox is also likely to be worse in adults than in children. If you have already been vaccinated, then you will not get the chickenpox.