35 Home Remedies for an Enlarged Prostate
The enlargement of a prostate is determined when a rectal examination is carried out. It can also come to light when there is an examination of any fluid discharged by the patient. Also, urinalysis can be done in order to track any sign of infection or possible inflammation. The use of a blood test as well as an ultrasound can also help detect the ailment. If you suspect that your prostate is enlarged, see a doctor to get a proper diagnosis.
The usage of ultrasound is helpful for its visual effects. This helps doctors see the outline of the bladder so that they can tell if the emptying process is effective. The non-invasive portable and pain-free effect of this approach makes it attractive.
The Symptoms
- Pain in the thighs and lower back
- Urge to urinate at night ( abnormal frequency )
- Inability to empty urine
- Penile discharge
- Urinating with burning effect
- Turgid sensation around the scrotum and rectum
- Limited urine flow instead of full flow
- Difficulty with urinating ( even when the urge is there)
- A dribbling feeling after urination
Common Causes of Prostate Enlargement
The prostate gland experiences growth when men turn 25. This is the second growth apart from the one at puberty. The prostate will enlarge at this time but with no expansion in the tissue that surrounds the organ.
The growth process will lead to the push of the prostate gland against the walls of the urethra. This leads to thickening of the bladder wall and likely irritation. This push for space makes the bladder contract more than normal, even when there is little urine. This makes the patient have the urge to urinate more often. After a while, the bladder is weakened and is unable to empty properly, so that urine gets trapped in the bladder. This explains why the symptoms are similar to that of a UTI.
There is a degree of openness about prostate abnormalities that is still absent because it is associated with sexual roles. The enlargement of the prostate is one feature of the aging process just like you have greying and loss of memory. As a man grows older, the likelihood of prostate enlargement increases.
Home Remedies for an Enlarged Prostate
Medication Selection
There are some medications that spur the condition and they need to be avoided. These fall into the class of antihistamines. Decongestants of any type also fall into the class of drugs to avoid. These medications lead to tightening of the urethra and put more pressure on the bladder.
If you are on diuretics, your physician should be able to provide you a leeway. A lower dosage of the mentioned drugs might be advised. An alternate medication with fewer effects might be recommended. An option is that the timing of the medication might be altered. Do not make these changes in your medication on your own. Instead, ask for your doctor’s advice.
Kegel routines are well publicized for a range of reasons but they also help in cases of prostate enlargement. These routines help to strengthen the pelvis and surrounding muscles. They lead to tightening of the framework that controls urination.
As a first step, make sure your bladder is emptied. Take a position on the floor wide your knees apart and bending while lying down. Your lower pelvic muscles should be tightened for intervals of five seconds. Relax them thereafter and repeat the process for the next twenty minutes. You can do this up to four times a day.
Alternatively, contract the muscles in your anus and ease the muscles on your lower pelvic area. Do this up to twenty times. You can do this multiple times a day.
Helpful Hints
- For regularity, you can perform Kegel exercises when you get up in the morning, at noon and as you retire to bed
- Always put the focus on the pelvic region and not your stomach, butt, or thighs
- If you are unable to determine your pelvic muscles, ask a Physiotherapist
- If already diagnosed with chronic prostate or pelvis ailments, do not take part in Kegel routines
Resistance Exercises
Aerobics and other forms of exercises that are resistant in nature are fitting for your wellbeing. They help your prostate health and counter obesity. Obesity is one of the factors that foster prostate enlargement.
If you have urinary problems, aerobics can help relieve your pains or completely avert them.Your weight gain can be normalized if you get involved in regular exercises.
Routines like tennis, basketball, jogging, and running are common examples of aerobics. Swimming, weightlifting, and push-ups are resistance routines. Resistance routines help to counter inflammation, boost strength and muscle tone. A 30-minute routine a few times weekly is helpful.
Cranberries are laden with nutrients and are also rich in antioxidant properties. Reports have suggested the use of cranberry to relieve urinary tract difficulties and associated symptoms.Other urinary tract infections get remedied with cranberry consumption and dousing enlarged prostate makes it recommendable. Simply eat more fresh cranberries, dried cranberries, or cranberry sauce to use this home remedy. Drinking cranberry juice can also help.

Slippery Elm Bark
The bark of the slippery elm has been used across the ages to soothe stomach conditions and other forms of irritations.
To use his home remedy, ground the bark of the slippery elm. Put half a teaspoon of this powder into a cup of warm water. Drink this mix twice a day, once when you wake up, and again around dinner-time. Continuous use of this home remedy will provide you with relief.
These distinctively slightly bitter nuts are high in potassium, folate, fiber, iron, and calcium. The presence of carotenoids and flavonoids, as well as proanthocyanidins, makes them fitting to combat inflammatory conditions
To use this home remedy, mix a grated hazelnut in water. Mix this drink. Drink this at least twice a day to see results.
Quail Eggs
The proven components of quail eggs are known to boost stamina and energy levels in addition to high vitamin A levels. This makes this remedy a source of antioxidants to combat prostate enlargement.
To use this home remedy, simply eat three quail eggs a day. You must do this every day for two weeks if you wish to see results.
This remedy has a noticeable concentration of vitamin K, folates, selenium, vitamin C, and vitamin E. To use this home remedy, simply eat more asparagus.
Stinging Nettle
Using stinging nettle is one way to ease the symptoms of an enlarged prostate. The root of this herb abounds in bioactive phytochemicals and can shrink enlarged prostates. Noted as a natural diuretic, it eliminates accumulated wastes by easing urine flow.
To use this home remedy, mix a tablespoon of stinging nettle leaves with a cup of warm water. Let the leaves steep for ten minutes. When the time is up, drain the leaves and drink the remaining liquid. Do this three times a day to have relief.
The supplement of this herb is also available and can be got at herbal stores. The recommended dosage is 300 milligrams daily
It has mild side effects like skin rash and upset of the stomach.
10 Sunflower Seeds
This remedy boasts of antioxidants as well as vitamins and essential acids. The presence of polyphenols makes it a good health boost. It is best to use this remedy in the evenings and 5 pm till 7 pm is recommended so that they can be processed by digestive organisms. This makes it better to assist in remedying enlarged prostate. Simply eat a serving size of sunflower seeds every day to get relief from your symptoms.
The omega-3s essence in flaxseeds makes them fit for the treatment of prostate enlargement as a natural remedy. When you boost the daily intake of flaxseeds, you are able to nourish the prostate gland and ward off inflammation. To use this home remedy, simply season your food with flax seeds or drink flax seed tea.

Flax seeds
Apple Cider Vinegar
A has several properties that stand it out as an astringent. It can shrink an enlarged prostate and also help with weight loss. It is healthy for controlling complications from urinary tract ailments.
To use this home remedy, mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, one tablespoon of honey, and a glass of warm water. Drink this beverage at least twice a day.
Alternatively, fill a bathtub filled with warm water. Add in a cup of apple cider vinegar. Soak in the bath for at least fifteen minutes. Do this three times a week to get best results.
The study of the effect of coffee shows that at least six cups daily have up to 20% chance dampening effect on prostate enlargement. This level of use also reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer by 60%.
Those who consume up to three cups a day are able to decrease the risk of prostate enlargement by about 30%. The placeholder here is that moderate use of coffee is advised by experts as an abuse can lead to a range of worrying side-effects. So, in short, drink a moderate amount of coffee. Make sure to also drink other things, like water and milk.
Pumpkin seeds have been reported to have a dampening effect on prostate enlargement. The seeds work as diuretics and are highly made up of zinc properties. The presence of omega-3s makes it a worthy remedy for a variety of health conditions.
To use this home remedies, cook your pumpkin seeds with no salt. Open up the pods and devour. A couple of seeds per day are good enough to help you.
Alternatively, add some water to a cup. Crush some fresh seeds of a pumpkin. Make a mix of both. Top the mix with boiling water. Allow this to cool afterward. Strain the mix and drink. Doing this a few times weekly will do.
Beverage Control
Beverages need to be controlled if you must have some respite from prostate enlargement. Avoid drinking beverages a couple of hours before bedtime. This will reduce the likelihood of having to use the bathroom in the middle of the night. More bathroom visits cause irritation of the bladder.
Watch out too for caffeine-laden beverages as they get you to use the bathroom more often. The beverages increase the production of urine and worsen underlying symptoms of prostate enlargement.
When curcumin is at work, it blocks NK-KB, the responsible molecule for inflammation at the vital level of each molecule.Curcumin is reputed to have properties that are anti-inflammatory and capable of dousing the effects of ailments like diabetes and inflammation of the prostate gland. It is reported to boost immunity and help to repair and build-up the tissues that bestride the human body.
The potency of curcumin has been rounded compared to several potent drugs used to combat inflammation. The huge benefit here is the herb has no side effects like these inorganic remedies. The herb can be taken in its unprocessed form but if available in capsule or tablet form, it should be limited to 500 milligrams per intake. It can be taken up to three times per day.
Pygeum is extracted from the plum tree of African origins and the bark. It has been used for the treatment of several urinary related infections across the ages. The depth of its effects might not be fully known yet although its use is widely publicized.
It is proven to cut down on bathroom visits when used along with a number of home remedies. It can be used for daytime urine regulation or the nighttime approach. The use of pygeum is advised to be regulated as it can lead to stomach upsets when used without moderation.
Quercetin is reputed as a compound that is actively an antioxidant and is a flavonoid. It can be sourced from onions, apples, and capers of several descriptions. When at active levels, it inhibits inflammation and cancer growths. When used in people with chronic inflammations, improvements were noticed from a case study.
Males with prostate enlargement should eat more of onions and apples in order to douse the symptoms associated with prostate enlargement. Since the foods mentioned above are easy to source and consume, this remedy is, therefore, a smart option that many people can use.
- Plastics Alert
If you have prostate enlargement, you should look around you and cut down on the plastics you use in daily food preparation and storage. Below are some helpful tips for food storage.
- The containers you use for food storage should be glass- made
- Foods should not be microwaved using plastics
- Cut drinking water from plastics and use water bottles made from glass in its stead
- Reduce your frozen foods or canned prepared meals by searching out alternatives
Avoid Certain Foods
There are meals that lead to prostate enlargement and should be avoided. Such meals like the following should be eaten in moderation or avoided if you have an enlarged prostate:
- Poultry
- Eggs
- Dairy
- Spicy foods
- Processed sugar
- Caffeine
- Red meat
Avoid Inactivity
One way to push the bladder to retain urine is when you stay inactive. A little mobility can be helpful and will reduce the risk of urinary problems associated with prostate enlargement. Exercising can help to reduce this risk.

Woman exercising
Empty the Bladder
You do not need to wait for the bladder to be full before you empty it. When you get behind closed doors, try to empty all you can.You might need to sit in the bathroom to empty your bladder appropriately. Use a regular schedule when urinating. This is especially helpful for older men or men who have recently had an injury.
Eating tomatoes are one way of boosting the fight against prostate enlargement. The specific antigens that inflame the prostate get dampened by lycopene, which is present in tomatoes. The ingredient is also reputed to ease the pressure on the bladder and ultimately will lead to the shrunken prostate.
Meals with puree and tomatoes of any form should feature more in your diet if you have prostate concerns. You need about 15 milligrams of lycopene daily. A tomato of medium size is equal to 4 milligrams and half of the lycopene
You might in this light, need a supplement of good quality. Lycopene supplements are available and can be used based on the advice of a physician.
Watermelon Seeds
Prostate enlargement is managed with the use of watermelon seeds and has been proven effective in a range of uses. The symptoms associated with prostate enlargement are doused by this remedy as it expedites detox functions. This singular action is effective in managing prostate enlargement.
To use this home remedy, get some watermelon seeds. Boil these seeds in a cup of water. Immerse the seeds in the cup. Steep the mix and extricate the seeds. Regularly drink this mix for expedited action.
Limit Alcohol Intake
Many health conditions do not go along with alcohol use. Alcohol has the effect of increasing irritation in your bladder and can lead to more urine production. Like many health conditions, alcohol needs to be limited or avoided to manage a prostate enlargement.
Oysters and Crabs
Oysters and crabs are reputed to contain tons of zinc. Zinc has a commendable role in the boosting of the human immune systems and optimal cell growth. In prostate cells, zinc helps to counter inflammation and help out in repairs and protective functions.
For those with prostate enlargement, taking a zinc supplement can help to shrink the condition. Inadequate supply of zinc can lead to the risk of developing prostate abnormalities.
For supplements, limit intake to a daily dosage of 90 milligrams in three doses. Eat lots of crabs, oysters, beans, and yogurt. Consult your physician before taking any supplement.

Oysters can be made into various tasty meals, so you are sure not to be bored of the possibilities
Indian Gooseberries and Turmeric Powder Mix
Indian gooseberries are rich in antioxidants and rich in vitamin C as well. Turmeric is a spice with lots of vitamins and calcium. It is known to boost the body immune systems. Honey has higher stakes as an immune boost and organ repair ingredients.
To use his home remedy, deseed and crush ten gooseberries. Add a pinch of turmeric powder. Mix in two tablespoons of honey. Mix these ingredients. Take a tablespoon of this mix each day. Do this until you have recovered from your enlarged prostate.
This is a well-known anti-viral, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent which has been used for curative purposes across the ages in many parts of the world. It is rich in potassium, iron magnesium, vitamins and low in sodium.
To use this home remedy, mix a tablespoon of honey with a minced garlic clove. Put this mix into a glass of warm water. Drink this beverage twice a day to feel its benefits.
Meal Changes
Looking out for the kind of meals to eat is one way of ensuring that you stay healthy and keep infections at bay.For prostate enlargement containment, there is a mix of meals that can get the job done.
- Your fish intake should be up to 2 servings weekly with salmon, mackerel, and tuna, making the mix
- Reduce starch intake and cut down on meat
- Eat lots of veggies like sprouts, kale, cauliflower, and broccoli
- When cooking use poly-unsaturated fats and do so in moderation
Bee Pollen
Bee pollen is awash with properties that combat inflammation so that enlarged prostates are treated with this remedy. People in parts of Europe have put this remedy to use for ages. Because of allergies, care should put into its use. The frequency of urination decreases in people using this remedy. The leftover of urine in the bladder is significantly reduced with this remedy.
This remedy comes across as one of the recurring features in home remedies across the globe. It is noted for beta-sitosterol concentration. Avocado effectively combats inflammation since it is replete with monounsaturated fats. In combating the ailment, both the causes and symptoms are attacked by this remedy. The discomfort associated with prostate enlargement is considerably doused with this remedy.
This Mediterranean herb has assumed a worldwide acclaim over the ages and is now found in many parts of the globe. The use of parsley as a garnish is one of the common means of consuming this herb which is a rich antioxidant source.
Other uses include soups and add-ons to other meals. There are also flavonoids like luteolin that is reputed to fight-off free radicals. They help to ward off oxygen dependent cell impairment. When consumed regularly, the antioxidants present in the bloodstream gets a boost.

Fresh parsley
Triphala Powder
The use of the Triphala comes from am Ayurveda practice but it is proven as a detox agent. The use of this remedy is enhanced by its capacity to aid digestion, tissue rejuvenation and anti-oxidation processes.
To use this powder, take one tablespoon of it and put it in a cup of boiling water. Let the powder stay in the water for twenty minutes. Once the time is up, strain out the powder (a coffee filter will work well for this). Drink this water once it is cooled.
Soy Products
Soy is rich in insoluble fiber, minerals, and vitamins. It is also a source of protein from plants is reputed to lower cholesterol levels instead of raising it like animal proteins. Meals containing soy supply the body with phytoestrogens.
These ingredients dampen the production of testosterone production so that cancerous prostate cells are dampened. It is also believed that phytoestrogens can limit blood capillaries from milling around prostate tumors so that they can be easily eliminated. Simply eating more soy products, like soy milk, soy cheese, soybeans, or tofu, can help with this ailment.
Green Tea
Green tea has a reputation for polyphenols. This makeup helps the use of an antioxidant meal. When regularly consumed, green tea can help to ward off free radicals so that your cells can be protected.
One polyphenol known as EGCG is uniquely found in your green tea. EGCG is reputed to destroy cells of prostate cancer and inhibit any inflammation. Any other supplement that provides 600 milligrams of EGCG can be used in place of green tea after consulting your physician.
Do you know of any other great home remedies for this condition? If so, comment below!