Author: Mia Turner

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10 Home Remedies For Diverticula

Small bulging pouches are likely to develop in the digestive system after the age of 40. These pouches are called diverticula. These pouches are harmless. We may not even know of their existence till...

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10 Health Benefits Of Buchu

Buchu is a herbal plant of South African origin. There are several verities of buchu. The more popular ones are round leaf buchu and oval leaf buchu. Both have the same medicinal properties. Buchu...

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12 Home Remedies for backache

Almost every one suffers from back pain at some point in their life. Doctors may prescribe prescription pain medication or you can take over the counter pain relievers but unfortunately most of the time...

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10 Health Benefits of Wolfberries

Wolfberries, also commonly known as goji berries, are a berry that is commonly found in China that has many great health benefits for you. The wolfberry is a small pink or red berry that...

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7 Simple Home Remedies For Nasal Inflammation

What Is Nasal Inflammation? Nasal inflammation or sinusitis occurs when the tissues in the sinuses swell. This usually happens when there is excess fluid or germs that buildup in the sinus passages. The symptoms...

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10 Health Benefits Of Yam

10 Health Benefits Of Yam Yam is a vegetable which looks like sweet potatoes. It is believed that yam was originally grown in west Africa. It is also believed to be associated with a...

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10 Health Benefits of Carob

While we don’t see much of the carob in the west, it has been popular in the Mediterranean and the Middle East for hundreds of year. The carbs are considered to be in the...

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8 Best Home Remedies For Pulled Muscles

Causes Of Pulled Muscles A pulled muscle, sometimes called a torn muscle, is a common result of over-exerting yourself. This often happens when people who exercise push themselves too hard or if they have...

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10 Health Benefits Of Soy Milk

Soymilk also knew soya milk is plant milk. Dried soya bean is ground in water to produce soya milk. Soymilk is a complete protein. It is a good source of dietary fiber, minerals, and...

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Ten Health Benefits of Sugar Scrub

Believe or not sugar scrubs have many health benefits. Most importantly, they are great for your skin. They are a natural exfoliate that cleans and tightens the skin. The brown particles are small enough...