7 Health Benefits Of Slow Juicing

Now for one of my favorite topics, slow juicing and why it is so beneficial for your health. You may have heard increased talk and seen a lot of articles on juicing your own juices at home. This is by no means new and has been going on since the 1940’s or 1950’s, especially in health-conscious American homes.


However while many of the new arrival juices are about quick fix juices, preparing a liquid version of healthy foods before you dash off to work, slow juicing is a bit different. Let’s explore further.

As you see from the juices above they are absolutely refreshing and thirst quenching on a hot summer’s day. More importantly, they will give you more of a natural lift and sustain you through the day more than any energy drink!

So let’s investigate what is all the fuss that people are making about SLOW JUICING juices?

Why Is Slow Juicing Good?

Here are the reasons why slow juicing is so healthy for you in comparison to fast juicing, using fast rotating blades:

#1. More Juice

With slow juicing, there is a screw mechanism used to extract the juice. This means you get more juice out of the fruit or vegetable. In fact, studies indicate that you get 35% more juice when you do slow juice (cold compression juice extraction).


#2. Natural Vitamins

When you extract juice using the slow compression method you do so at a cool temperature. This preserves all those healthy, natural enzymes and vitamins contained in the fruit or vegetable. Contrast this with a high-speed rotor extraction that raises the temperature and kills off some of the vitamins and enzymes.

#3. Superior Healing

The reason for drinking freshly prepared juices in the first place is their super qualities in fighting cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure not to mention nausea, bloating, depression and morning sickness.

Overall drinking fresh, slow juices provide a level of well-being not available from drinking processed or even organic fruit juices. When you prepare slow juices in your own kitchen you know exactly what goes into it and also who is handling the fruit and vegetables!


#4. Less Is More

Slow juicers require less fruit and vegetables for preparing juices. This means you save on the cost of fruit and vegetables you use for a juice and minimize wastage.

#5. Greater Fiber Retention

As we all know fibre is good for us and with the slow juicing method we get more fiber in the juice prepared. This makes the juice more wholesome and healthy!


#6. Zero Froth

A clear liquid juice and less frothy foam! With cold slow juicing you get a completely froth-free juice, in fact, some juicers allow you to specify how much solids you still want on your juice, none at all or minimal.

Slow Juicing


#7. Longer Lasting

A slow juiced juice can be stored up to 72 hours in the fridge and then consumed. It will still be complete with all the goodness of enzymes and vitamins that the juice originally had. This is not the case with fast juicers and other methods of juicing where the juice must be drunk immediately to avoid oxidation and loss of goodness within the juice.


So there you have it, the multiple reasons why slow juicing has become so popular over other forms of juicing. Add to this the additional benefit you can make yourself a juice as a midnight snack since slow juices are mostly much quieter than loud fast juicers.

Now for those of us who are night owls and sometimes only want a light meal like a juice, this is perfect! Otherwise, you will be disturbing the cat, the neighbors and letting everyone else into your secret of midnight juices, so much healthier than ice cream!

As for finding juice recipes, there are lots of them online. However, you can make up your own juice concoctions, have fun adding a bit of this and that.

One thing to remember as a guide though is some vegetables have a very distinct, strong taste that overrides fruits so add a bit of banana and also Manuka (Nature’s natural sweetener and a medicinal food used in medicine now) to whatever fruit and vegetables you juice.

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