24 Home Remedies for ADD
ADD stands for Attention-Deficit Disorder. ADD is very similar to ADHD (which is more common in children while ADD is more common in adults). To be diagnosed with ADD, you have to speak with either your doctor or a psychologist. The easiest way to put it. ADD is ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) without the energy. While ADD cannot be cured entirely with home remedies, these home remedies for ADD can help to treat the symptoms.
Symptoms, like with most things, differ from people to people. It should be noted that you do not have to all the symptoms to have the learning disorder. If you think that you have ADD, then talk to your doctor. Symptoms can include…
- Being easily distracted
- Making careless mistakes
- Forgetting to do everyday tasks
- Cannot follow instructions
- Does not seem to listen when being told something
- Trouble with finishing projects
- Misplacing things
- Bad memory
- Not being able to notice details
- Having trouble when it comes to organizing items and or activities

Studying is difficult enough for most people–and it’s even harder for those who struggle with ADD
No one knows for sure what it is that causes ADD. It is believed that genetics might play a part in how it comes; general brain chemistry is another idea. Studies are also starting to show that if a person was exposed to cigarette smoke or alcohol in the womb they are more likely to have ADD than others; low weight at birth could also contribute. As could an injury to the brain.
There other ideas as for where ADD comes from but those have been becoming more stories than anything else. For example. bad parenting, too much sugar, too much TV, too much food additives. No research suggests that any of these are a cause for ADD.
Home Remedies for ADD

If your mind is constantly filled with questions or distracting thoughts, then you may have ADD
Zinc is an essential mineral that is very important to your body. This healthy mineral fights off cancers keep your skin healthy, but it also improves your brain functions. The zinc helps your cognitive strength and stability while also aiding your memory. Zinc is really easy to add to your diet. You can just take a supplement pill or you can get it from food. Foods that are high in zinc are lamb, beef, liver, and bran.
Choline is docked in the vitamin B group. It is linked to helping dementia and just over memory (visual and verbal); early development and growth; strengthening cell membranes, and nervous system activity. You can buy choline over the counter but you can also get it from different foods like beef liver, nuts, beans, eggs, and dark leafy greens.
Panax Ginseng
Some doctors suggest taking 100 milligrams of panax ginseng twice a day. This herb has been used for years by the Chinese for calming people down. More recent studies have shown that the herb can also help concentration, physical stamina, work efficiency, thinking, memory, and athletic endurance.
Cut Back on Coffee
A single cup of coffee is suggested in the morning, but not more than that. Coffee, because of the caffeine helps you to focus by regulating the concentration in your brain. By regulating concentration, you also improve your memory as well as general mental performance. A single cup of coffee can take anywhere between four and six hours to wear off, so that should be plenty of time for it to help with your school or work way.

Drinking decaf coffee is okay for people with ADD
Catecholamines is a neurotransmitter that increases your concentration. The best way to trigger more catecholamines is through aerobic exercises to get your blood moving. The exercise does not even have to be all kinds of strenuous. Just something light will do. A 20-minute run, walk, or jog in the morning can do wonders. Or if you are in night school or have a graveyard shift, then you can just do it in the evening.
Ginkgo Biloba
What you are looking for in this herb is the extract from it. Ginkgo biloba has been found to help with age-related memory issues, Alzheimer’s, and it can even strengthen the mental abilities of younger people.
Use a Planner
This might be one of the easiest ways to help your ADD. Use a planner. If you have trouble remembering things, or the order in which things go, then make a to-do list. IF you are organizing something, then try to get loose ideas onto a paper before you forget and then you go back and refine the list later.

Keeping a calendar, writing on sticky notes, or even making notes on your phone can help you remember things
What to Eat
There are foods that you can eat that boost your memory and that can help you to focus. For that, you want to look into more natural foods. Foods that can help your memory because of needed fats, vitamins, phytonutrients, minerals, antioxidants include turmeric, coconut oil, leafy greens, dark chocolate, cold-water fish, rosemary, and nuts.
This herb has been used for centuries to help with improving learning, concentration, and memory. Bacopa helps to improve the aforementioned things as well as depression and anxiety because it balances hormones and neurotransmitters in the brain.
Relieve Stress
Stress is not helpful to anyone in any way. It certainly does nothing to help those with ADD. If you are too stressed, it can poorly affect your attention span, make it even harder to remember things, and it leads to more frustration. So if you know that you are stressed or feel that you cannot focus, that is more than okay.
Take a break, go for a walk, color something, read a novel or something that is not connected to school or work, even take a little power nap. If you need to, do not be afraid to take mental health day. Sometimes, the best way to calm down is to just spend a day watching and reading something that you truly take an interest in.
Some people find that meditation can help them to stay more focused. Whether it consists of sitting quietly for a little bit, doing tai chi, yoga, qi gong, whatever form you use, has been found to help. Meditation helps ADD because it can alter your brave waves so that you can be more creative, focused, and inspired. It is suggested that you try meditating for just 20 minutes a day.

Try listening to guided meditation videos if you are new to meditating
One Thing at a Time
This can be where keeping a to-do list really comes in handy. If you have a lot of things to do, it can be a little overwhelming and knowing that you have so much to can make it hard to get started on its own. That is okay.
Say you are working on homework for school. Work on one subject for about 25 minutes, take five to minute break, then spend 25 minutes on a different subject, take a five to ten minute break…you get the pattern. If you only have two subjects, then just keep cycling it. Or, if you have one subject but it is an important project, then break the project into smaller steps and work on each step one at a time. When working with steps of the project, keep the 25-minute-five-minute loop until you done with the step and take the ten minute break before you go onto the next step.
Find a Relax Counter-Weight
If you find yourself stressing even though you just took a break, find a counter balance. Allow yourself to fidget a litte. Fidget cubes, zippers, a ring you can slide up and down your finger. Any little thing you can do to get some that impatient energy out while still allowing you to work. Some people use music for this as well. Put one some music that you know pretty well and let yourself mindlessly hum along while you work.
Work Wherever Works Best
For some people, the setting in which you work in is all that matter. If the lighting is too bright, if there is too much noise, if you need dim lighting and some noise, whatever you need, find or create that space. Experiment and little find what atmosphere works best for you. If working at home is best but you like the chatter of a coffee shop, then you find noise or ambiance setters online that can really help with this.
Flaxseed and Fish
Fish and flaxseed can do amazing things for ADD because of the omega-3 fatty acids in it. Omega-3 fatty acids is so hugely important because it plays key parts in brain health and development. It improves memory and attention to the point that omega-3 is suggested to people who have a family history of age-related deterioration of brain functions.
Green Tea
Green tea can really help with memory and learning for two possible reasons. One. the tiny amount of caffeine, and two. the antioxidants in that keep the brain safe from different invaders that might have a chance of slowing it down. The next time you want a warm drink but you already had your morning cup of coffee, try some green tea.

Bigelow Organic GreenTea, 40-pack ($7.98)
This herb is fantastic for helping with cognitive functions because it helps your brain to have higher levels of a kind of omega-3. The kind of omega-3 that curcumin helps to form is docosahexaenoic.
Get Some Sleep
Getting enough sleep is vital for everything your body does or need to do. If you are having trouble with paying attention, dozing off at your desk in school or at work is not going to help you in the slightest. So make sure that you try to get as much of the eight hours a night as possible.
Vetiver Oil
Vetiver oil helps to keep the mind calm and focused while limiting how impatience. This essential oil helps with this because of the anti-inflammation. Having inflammation in the brain can cause different troubles, including trouble with concentrating.

Vetiver oil can be made from this plant
Frankincense Oil
Frankincense oil calms stress reactions, keeps you focused, and fights off other negative emotions that get distracting.
No Added Sugars
Now, added sugars have not been proven to cause ADD, but they certainly do not help your memory. The amount of added sugar you eat can have poor effects on your short-term memory and just is not very good for you health. So cut back on sugar intake bit by bit and see if it helps a little.
Little to No Alcohol
Alcohol is terrible for you body is so many ways. It is bad for you liver, your depression, and your brain. You know how if someone drinks too much they “black out”? You do not black out after one night of heavy drinking. Doing damage to the hippocampus- a part of your brain that aids in memory- would take a couple of nights. If you drink enough to black out or to pass out from it, then you should consider going sober because it can do wonders for your memory.
Vitamin D
People who do not get enough vitamin D can have troubles with a few different things. Vitamin D deficiency is the leading cause of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), it can slow down cognitive functions, and can increase your chances of suffering from dementia. Luckily, you can easily get more vitamin D into your diet by just taking supplement pills.
Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate has flavonoids and antioxidants which can help blood to flow more easily to the part of the brain that helps with money and can thereby stimulate your memory. While any kind of dark chocolate can help, but 70 percent cacao or higher is the best.

Milk chocolate will not help
There is no cure for ADD, but there are ways to make it at least more manageable to live with. For some people, a mild sedative does the job for both ADD and ADHD. But some people would rather go a more natural route. That is what this article is about. However, if you find that this article does not do all the much to help after a few weeks, then talk to your doctor about possible treatments.