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For the term "cayenne pepper".
common cold 0

39 Home Remedies for Postnasal Drip

A postnasal drip is something most everyone has had but that not many can recognize by the name. Every day, people swallow small amounts of mucus. This mucus usually comes from the sinuses, mixes with salvia, and causes people no problems. However, sometimes the body makes too much mucus, which makes it harder to swallow. Sometimes the mucus comes out the nose (making a runny nose), while other times it runs down the back of your throat (postnasal drip).

apples, teeth, 0

21 Home Remedies for Sensitive Teeth

What are sensitive teeth? While the issue is in the name, the issue is still different for many people. Some have only one sensitive tooth while another may a number of them if not all of them.

hives, allergies 0

26 Home Remedies for Shingles Symptoms

Shingles is a virus that is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox, the varicella-zoster virus. Shingles are found in most people who had chickenpox because the varicella-zoster virus is dormant in the nerve tissue by your spinal cord and brain. The virus can become active again years after you suffered from chickenpox.

Cinnamon, bedwetting 0

19 Cinnamon Health Benefits

Cinnamon has a longer history than being put in oatmeal and on cinnamon toast. It has once been used as a currency; it has been mentioned in Chinese writings since 2800 BC, and the ancient Egyptians used it for embalming. Cinnamon does not only make interesting small talk, it can also do fantastic things for your body.    

Health Benefits

Health Benefits

Keeping up to date with the various health benefits of foods and other natural ingredients is a great way to discover new home remedies for yourself. Right now, this page consists of some of...

cancer 0

15 Home Remedies for Tumors

A part of having cancer is having a tumor.  A tumor “is an uncontrolled, abnormal circumscribed growth of cells in any animal or plants tissue or neoplasm” as per Dictionary.com.  In this article, we will briefly show you twenty home remedies that you can do at home to help in the medical treatment of your cancer and your tumor.


19 Home Remedies for a Toothache

Toothaches are common in many persons.  “They are cavities or an infection; a tooth with an exposed tooth root, a cracked tooth, gum disease, a loose filling or a jaw joint disorder.” (Home Remedies for Toothache, 2013) A toothache originates in the center of the tooth where there is pulp. The pulp itself is irritated because the nerve roots are sensitive.  This article is on the home remedies you could do to help you with a toothache.

common cold 0

22 Home Remedies for a Sinus Infection

A sinus infection happens when your nasal cavity gets infected. The nasal cavities itself becomes inflamed and swollen due to the infection. It should be noted that there are two different kinds of sinus infections: acute and chronic sinus infections.

brandy, alcohol, whiskey, flu 0

42 Home Remedies for a Hangover

It [hangover] is mostly associated with a headache, nausea, dizzy spells, body pains, confusion and thirst just among others. The severity of these ill experiences is dependent on the amount of alcohol you took as well as how much alcohol your body can tolerate.