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juice Archives - Home Remedies For All Kinds Of Ailments | Top 8 Home Remedies

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19 Home Remedies for Nausea

Nausea, or feeling sick in the stomach, is quite a common occurrence and can be triggered by a number of things. Thankfully, there are also a large number of ways you can tackle nausea and help yourself feel better with natural home remedies.


22 Home Remedies for Motion Sickness

Motion sickness is pretty self-explanatory. It is when you feel ill from traveling too quickly, in a new way, or even moving with your eyes on something other than where you are going.

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42 Home Remedies for a Hangover

It [hangover] is mostly associated with a headache, nausea, dizzy spells, body pains, confusion and thirst just among others. The severity of these ill experiences is dependent on the amount of alcohol you took as well as how much alcohol your body can tolerate.

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35 Home Remedies for High Uric Acid in the Blood

Hyperuricemia is the condition that results when there is a high level of uric acid in the bloodstream. It can also result as a result of poor excretion through the normal kidney channels. If left untreated, it can lead to renal failures, kidney stones, hypertension, gout, arthritis, as well as cardiovascular diseases.


48 Home Remedies for Tongue Blisters

The tongue has a vital role to play in the human growth and nutrient-intake processes. When people look at your eyes, lips, and tongue, they are able to get an idea of how healthy you might be at such times. Blisters in tongues are often a sign of sickness or presence of an ailment in the human body. There are different kinds of tongue blisters and they will ensue based on what circumstance becomes prevalent at some point.

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39 Home Remedies for the Common Cold in Babies

The common cold is a viral contagion of the upper respiratory tract—mouth, nose, and throat. Due to its symptoms, it can be quite devastating watching your baby struggle with this condition. Unlike grownups, children are susceptible to infections because their immune system, lungs, and other organs, are not completely mature yet. This is why breastfeeding is of utmost importance to a baby’s health; breastmilk is filled with antibodies and chemicals that protect your baby from infections. Continue reading to learn more about the common cold in babies: what causes it, what the symptoms are, and how to cure a common cold in babies with natural home remedies. 

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39 Home Remedies for Dark Spots

When dark spots appear on the skin, they can become a source of discomfort. When they appear on the face, they affect the beauty of the person affected. Dark spots can also reduce the self esteem of anyone affected. The discoloration associated with dark spots might make people wear longer sleeves in shirts and blouses, and also pants on the legs to cover the dark spots.

Dark spots can be eliminated with cosmetics and a range of medical options depending on the severity. However, using home remedies provides a stress-free and cheaper alternative in this regard.

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20 Home Remedies for Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is most common in tropical regions. The fever most common symptoms are that of joint pain and fever. If you have these symptoms, it is best to see a doctor to be properly diagnosed with dengue fever, as many ailments have these two symptoms.


62 Home Remedies for Abdominal Pain

What is abdominal pain?  It occurs in the area from your chest to your pelvic area.   The main causes of abdominal pain are cramps, infections, abnormal growths, inflammation, and obstructions such as blockages of the intestines.   It can also cause digestion problems, diarrhea and/or constipation. Some additional causes of abdominal pain are viral, bacterial, or parasitic infections that can causes problems with the stomach and the intestines.

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43 Home Remedies for Food Allergies

When you experience a food allergy, it means your body is overreacting to a certain food. As such, the body’s immune system produces antibodies to battle the allergic reaction. Consequences of these food allergies are more often than not rather delayed and not as serious as they can be.