Tagged: vegetables

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35 Home Remedies for Abrasions

An abrasion to your skin is a wound only to the skin surface and sometimes below the surface, but it doesn’t affect your bone. Sometimes you may have some skin scraped away and other times the abrasion may be due to an allergic reaction.


62 Home Remedies for Abdominal Pain

What is abdominal pain?  It occurs in the area from your chest to your pelvic area.   The main causes of abdominal pain are cramps, infections, abnormal growths, inflammation, and obstructions such as blockages of the intestines.   It can also cause digestion problems, diarrhea and/or constipation. Some additional causes of abdominal pain are viral, bacterial, or parasitic infections that can causes problems with the stomach and the intestines.


27 Home Remedies for Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism, also referred to as thyrotoxicosis, is a condition of greater than normal activity of the thyroid gland. An excess of thyroid hormone is then produced by the thyroid gland beyond the normal level of thyroid hormones in the bloodstreams. Thyrotoxicosis is a related condition and this result when there is an abnormal rise in the level of thyroid hormones. This can lead to a hormone imbalance.

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35 Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids result due to the inflammation of the veins close to the anal opening or canal. Hemorrhoids are far from painless and thus if they remain for a long time than it does cause much distress. The common side effects of hemorrhoids involve bleeding during bowel movements and itchiness.  


40 Home Remedies for Hair Loss

The loss of hundreds of hair strands daily should not be a cause for concern. The main time that hair loss becomes a cause of concern is when too much hair loss continuously occurs.

The reason for the above-mentioned statement is that hair loss occurs naturally due to new hair growing. The time when hair loss becomes unnatural and unusual is when more hair falls out than hair that is growing. The loss of too many hair strands might require a professional consultation with a dermal specialist.


37 Home Remedies for Fractures

Fractures are broadly classified into two categories: closed or simple, and open or compounded.A closed/simple fracture is when the skin that covers the bone is not ruptured. An open/compounded fracture is when the bone has cut the skin open.


42 Home Remedies for Facial Paralysis

Paralysis can be a life-threatening ailment and no matter how it manifests, it is unpleasant for the patient. The commonest cause of facial paralysis is Stroke while Bell’s palsy ranks next.


35 Home Remedies for the Chickenpox

hickenpox is not as common as is used to be, as there is a reliable vaccine for it. If possible, it is best to get a vaccine, instead of risking getting the chickenpox. Vaccines do not cause autism. It is also much better to not have chickenpox than to get it. Children who are exposed to chickenpox are likely to get shingles when they are older. Chickenpox is also likely to be worse in adults than in children. If you have already been vaccinated, then you will not get the chickenpox.


DIY Natural Easter Egg Dyes

Easter is a great time of year for crafts and celebrations. Decorating Easter eggs is a family tradition. If you do not want to use artificial food coloring, or if you are just out, then you can use some of the tips in this article to dye your eggs with natural foods and drinks that you may already have in your home.