Monthly Archive: October 2018

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33 Home Remedies for Low Blood Sugar

People with diabetes often experience low blood sugar as their bodies don’t have enough sugar to use as fuel. Whilst it’s most common in diabetics, low blood sugar can affect a range of people. This can be as a result of their diet, medication or the extent of their condition. Luckily, this article is full of home remedies for low blood sugar.

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16 Snoring Home Remedies

Everyone knows what snoring is, whether because you yourself do it, your partner, a friend, the overplayed grandpa snores on TV. What most people do not know is what causes it. Whatever the cause, these snoring home remedies can help to prevent you from snoring again.

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34 Garlic Health Benefits

The garlic bulb is the part of the garlic plant which is most commonly used. It contains a high level of magnesium, selenium, and vitamin C. Garlic is also a rich source of various other important minerals too. These are just some of the best garlic health benefits. Keep reading to learn more!


21 Home Remedies for Ear Infections

An ear infection often is often caused by inflammation or irritation of the parts of your ear which are responsible for balance and hearing. In other, more rare cases, ear infections can also be caused by viruses or bacteria.  Luckily, we’ve compiled 21 home remedies for ear infections that can help to treat the symptoms. 

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18 Home Remedies for Frizzy Hair

Every girl, and some guys, have had to deal with frizzy hair at some point or another. But what exactly is it? So, what makes your hair look frizzy and dry is moisture that gets into the shafts and strands of your hair and makes them swell up. Luckily, there are many home remedies for frizzy hair.

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16 Health Benefits of Coffee

Energy-boosting is one of the first known health benefits of coffee. Kaldi passed the word onto nearby monks who made the berries into a kind of drink that would keep them awake in the same way that it did the goats. It did not take long for the word of these beans to reach the Arabian peninsula and from there to the most of the inhabited world.

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32 Home Remedies for Blisters

Blisters are little blemishes or boils caused by heat, excess moisture, or damage skin cells. They most commonly occur on the feet as a result of wearing shoes which pinch, but they can also occur in the mouth when you bit or cut the inside of your cheeks or lips. They can also develop when you eat or drink something that is too hot and damages your skin cells. Thankfully, there are many home remedies for blisters which can help them to heal faster.  

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20 Home Remedies to Tighten the Vagina

Even those of us who take excellent care of our delicate areas will probably experience some kind of loosening of the vaginal muscles as we age. There could be any number of reasons for this happening including aging, menopause, and childbirth. It’s not, however, caused by regular or too much sex, nor is it caused by the size of your partner’s penis. While the loosening of the vagina is normal, some women do not enjoy it. Because of this, we have provided a list of 20 home remedies to tighten the vagina.

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21 Home Remedies for Ringworm

The name, ringworm would make most people think the rash caused by the condition is caused by worms or a parasite. In fact, it’s caused by a fungus called tinea. It lives on dead skin tissue and causes a red, itchy patch of skin which eventually takes the form of several rings – hence the term, ringworm. Ringworm can develop on your skin or nails but is most common on your arms or scalp. Luckily, home remedies for ringworm are easy to use and quick to work!

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16 Cayenne Pepper Health Benefits

While cayenne pepper is most popular for making foods spicy, cayenne pepper health benefits are also something to keep in mind the next time you use this food.