Tagged: coconut oil

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45 Home Remedies for Acne

Acne can emerge on the chest, back, scalp, and especially on the face. Some common acne cures can be costly. They also have unfavorable side effects like dryness, redness, and irritation. Many people look for a natural home remedy for acne. The following remedies may be useful in treating acne.

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35 Home Remedies for Abrasions

An abrasion to your skin is a wound only to the skin surface and sometimes below the surface, but it doesn’t affect your bone. Sometimes you may have some skin scraped away and other times the abrasion may be due to an allergic reaction.


36 Home Remedies for Ingrown Hair

An ingrown hair can create a raised, red swelling that looks like a little lump. In some cases, the lump could have a discharge within it that becomes evident when ruptured. The area affected may have the following:

Skin irritation

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35 Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids result due to the inflammation of the veins close to the anal opening or canal. Hemorrhoids are far from painless and thus if they remain for a long time than it does cause much distress. The common side effects of hemorrhoids involve bleeding during bowel movements and itchiness.  


49 Home Remedies for Healthier Hair

Every style-savvy woman and man desires silky and smooth hair and this is the prevalent expectation around the country. The use of shampoos alone has shown to produce short-lived experiences when used in isolation. Most hair types will go colorless and drab after two days of using the shampoo. Overuse of shampoo results in a bid to keep the hair glowing.


23 Home Remedies for Hangnails

One of the irritating problems that can be faced by anyone is hangnails. Sometimes, people also experience cracked hands in addition and this can be nauseating. It is easy to snag on fabrics or scrape loved ones with hangnails and this can lead to itching.

Dead skin cells are what give rise to hangnails and the loss of natural oils is one reason that they occur. When you get exposed to water, the problem can be aggravated but most people often have to wash dishes.


40 Home Remedies for Hair Loss

The loss of hundreds of hair strands daily should not be a cause for concern. The main time that hair loss becomes a cause of concern is when too much hair loss continuously occurs.

The reason for the above-mentioned statement is that hair loss occurs naturally due to new hair growing. The time when hair loss becomes unnatural and unusual is when more hair falls out than hair that is growing. The loss of too many hair strands might require a professional consultation with a dermal specialist.

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56 Home Remedies for Gum Pain

Gum pain is one of the ailments that people have to contend with when it comes to oral health. Sometimes, the onset of gingivitis is the presence of soreness in the gums with or without tenderness around the gums.

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38 Home Remedies for Genital Warts

Warts occur due to the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). This contagious virus is spread by anal and vaginal sex. Hence, warts are a form of a sexually transmitted disease. These warts are defined as growths around the private parts.


21 Home Remedies for Fungal Infections

Fungal infections are usually uncomfortable, irritable and unsightly. Doctors will normally prescribe antimicrobial cream which is expensive as treatment. Most minor fungal infections, however, can easily be treated efficiently and effectively at home. To better treat fungal skin infections one must first have a basic understanding of infections.