Tagged: minerals


40 Home Remedies for a Dry Scalp

Dry scalp can result from simple and overlooked practices. When the scalp is dry, there is bound to be an underlying reason. While the place of ailments and infections can also not be left out here, it is important to always act swiftly whenever a change in your scalp condition is noticed. Early action is crucial in most cases and can prevent deterioration.


49 Home Remedies for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) might not be evidently different from stomach upset as far as many people are concerned. It is, however, one of the more painful gastrointestinal conditions known to man.

It is not easily narrowed to a singular cause, as the symptoms are in tandem with known stomach ailments. IBS can occur with constipation or with diarrhea. The occurrence of IBS with other ailments gives it the coloration of an indistinct ailment.

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35 Home Remedies for Abrasions

An abrasion to your skin is a wound only to the skin surface and sometimes below the surface, but it doesn’t affect your bone. Sometimes you may have some skin scraped away and other times the abrasion may be due to an allergic reaction.


27 Home Remedies for Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism, also referred to as thyrotoxicosis, is a condition of greater than normal activity of the thyroid gland. An excess of thyroid hormone is then produced by the thyroid gland beyond the normal level of thyroid hormones in the bloodstreams. Thyrotoxicosis is a related condition and this result when there is an abnormal rise in the level of thyroid hormones. This can lead to a hormone imbalance.

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29 Home Remedies for Hormonal Imbalances

Human beings have diverse hormones. It comprises of estrogen, testosterone, adrenaline, and insulin. These hormones are of critical importance to your general health. The different glands and organs of the body emit these various hormones. These include your thyroid, adrenals, pituitary, ovaries, testicles, and pancreas.


40 Home Remedies for Hair Loss

The loss of hundreds of hair strands daily should not be a cause for concern. The main time that hair loss becomes a cause of concern is when too much hair loss continuously occurs.

The reason for the above-mentioned statement is that hair loss occurs naturally due to new hair growing. The time when hair loss becomes unnatural and unusual is when more hair falls out than hair that is growing. The loss of too many hair strands might require a professional consultation with a dermal specialist.

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56 Home Remedies for Gum Pain

Gum pain is one of the ailments that people have to contend with when it comes to oral health. Sometimes, the onset of gingivitis is the presence of soreness in the gums with or without tenderness around the gums.


40 Home Remedies for the Flu

The cause of common cold has been identified to result from infection by viruses of about 200 similar and disparate types. The essence of this is to highlight that flu is not necessarily common cold. The symptoms of flu can be eliminated and the infection can be cured. Colds are also regarded to be milder compared to flu.


42 Home Remedies for Facial Paralysis

Paralysis can be a life-threatening ailment and no matter how it manifests, it is unpleasant for the patient. The commonest cause of facial paralysis is Stroke while Bell’s palsy ranks next.


35 Home Remedies for an Enlarged Prostate

The enlargement of a prostate is determined when a rectal examination is carried out. It can also come to light when there is an examination of any fluid discharged by the patient. Also, urinalysis can be done in order to track any sign of infection or possible inflammation. The use of a blood test as well as an ultrasound can also help detect the ailment. If you suspect that your prostate is enlarged, see a doctor to get a proper diagnosis.