Tagged: Vitamin c


19 Home Remedies for Drug Detoxification

Addiction withdrawals occur when drug abuse is being treated and there is a need to systematically help the patient return to normalcy. This becomes the basis for the building of a healthy mind and nurtures the physiology of the person concerned.

This article will discuss various home remedies that can help to make quitting drugs easier. These home remedies should work for cocaine, heroin, and ecstasy additions. To read an article on home remedies for heroin withdrawal, read this article.


49 Home Remedies for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) might not be evidently different from stomach upset as far as many people are concerned. It is, however, one of the more painful gastrointestinal conditions known to man.

It is not easily narrowed to a singular cause, as the symptoms are in tandem with known stomach ailments. IBS can occur with constipation or with diarrhea. The occurrence of IBS with other ailments gives it the coloration of an indistinct ailment.

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46 Home Remedies for Joint Pain

Joint pains result because of aging, physical exertion, and a range of contributing physiological conditions. In women, the menstrual cycle can cause excruciating menstrual pains, which might extend to the joints.

Aging leads to loss of muscles, which invariably compounds the pressure on the surviving muscle mass. In older people, joint pains can lead to poor mobility.

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45 Home Remedies for Acne

Acne can emerge on the chest, back, scalp, and especially on the face. Some common acne cures can be costly. They also have unfavorable side effects like dryness, redness, and irritation. Many people look for a natural home remedy for acne. The following remedies may be useful in treating acne.

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35 Home Remedies for Abrasions

An abrasion to your skin is a wound only to the skin surface and sometimes below the surface, but it doesn’t affect your bone. Sometimes you may have some skin scraped away and other times the abrasion may be due to an allergic reaction.


40 Home Remedies for the Flu

The cause of common cold has been identified to result from infection by viruses of about 200 similar and disparate types. The essence of this is to highlight that flu is not necessarily common cold. The symptoms of flu can be eliminated and the infection can be cured. Colds are also regarded to be milder compared to flu.

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43 Home Remedies for Food Allergies

When you experience a food allergy, it means your body is overreacting to a certain food. As such, the body’s immune system produces antibodies to battle the allergic reaction. Consequences of these food allergies are more often than not rather delayed and not as serious as they can be.

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37 Home Remedies for Mastitis (Breast Infection)

The joys of being a new breastfeeding mother are often accompanied with bleeding nipples and nipple cracks. These cracks can be the cause of a more painful breast infection called mastitis. Mastitis can cause immense pain and is sometimes curable with the use of antibiotics.


35 Home Remedies for the Chickenpox

hickenpox is not as common as is used to be, as there is a reliable vaccine for it. If possible, it is best to get a vaccine, instead of risking getting the chickenpox. Vaccines do not cause autism. It is also much better to not have chickenpox than to get it. Children who are exposed to chickenpox are likely to get shingles when they are older. Chickenpox is also likely to be worse in adults than in children. If you have already been vaccinated, then you will not get the chickenpox.


43 Home Remedies for Burns on Fingers

Most burns are the outcome of mishaps in the kitchen. One can never be excessively watchful when taking care of the kitchen or other routines that require high temperatures. Regardless of how cautious we are in the kitchen, there are times you might touch a hot pot or get hit with steam as you cook.