52 Home Remedies for Astigmatism
Astigmatism, also known as a reflective error, is a problem involving the eyesight. Any irregularities of the eyes that causes light to focus improperly is an issue as objects will not appear in focus properly.
Corneal astigmatism is when the cornea is irregular in shape. When the shape of the lens stops the light from focusing properly, that is lenticular astigmatism. There are various degrees of reflective error, as the cornea or lens can have different irregular shapes, which is an issue to fix. The only way to ascertain if you have this problem or normal near or farsightedness is a thorough eye exam.
The normal way to correct astigmatism is via glasses, contact lenses, or refractive surgery such as LASIK. If you are interested in preventing astigmatism or to naturally correct them, you can try these remedies below. All the remedies can be combined for better effect and will take weeks and months to see an improvement.
Home Remedies for Astigmatism
Eye Warm Up
Put your thumb on your nose, and then move away from your face 10cm. Move the thumb slowly up (12 o’clock) until you can no longer see it, return the thumb back to the normal position before your face after one second. Repeat but to different angles: 1 o’clock, 3 o’clock and so on. This exercise is a warm-up for more difficult exercises, or as a good eye relaxation exercise in general.
Tibetan Circle
This exercise uses a picture to help you perform the exercise. Download the picture from this link and follow instructions to relax and exercise the eye muscles.
For those who have really tired eyes and cannot stand strenuous exercising, This exercise is done by visualizing a ball before your right (or left) eye and you stretch and squeeze it mentally. You have to perform these visualizations up to eight times a day, but it only takes a minute or two.

Picturing any type of ball-shaped object will work for this exercise
Eyeball Massage
Close your eyes, place one or two fingers on the closed eyelids of each eye. If you are worried about wrinkles, use the last two as they are the weakest. Move the fingers lightly in all directions for one minute. You can repeat this exercise up to four times daily.
Nose Drawing
This exercise can help re-educate the vision, which is helpful if you want to correct your astigmatism. This easy exercise simply requires you to draw a picture or do a signature with your nose. You can make gentle movements while using your nose as an imaginary pen.
Palming is basically blocking all light into the eye using the palms (or an eye mask) and in the darkness, all the eye to visualize things that remind you of the color black. You can also move your eye around slightly. You can perform this exercise as frequently and as long as you want it. Aside from being a good eye exercise, palming is also a good mind relaxation technique.
Sun Baths
Sunbathing help lower eye’ sensitivity to light and relaxes the muscle. Close your eyes and feel the sun rays (or bulb heat) reaching to your eyes from closed lids. Move your head slowly to allow every part of your eyes to experience the warmth. Follow up by one-minute eye palming. This technique requires up to ten minutes, and you can repeat it a few times. Be careful not to open your eyes as the rays can damage your eyes if you look at it directly.
Eye Energizing Visualize
There are reports that this exercise should be done three times a day. The main aim is to replace the old energy inside the eye with new ones, basically done by visualizing the energy in colors and being taken away from your eyes and replacing them with new, stable energy. This exercise takes three minutes daily and will require two weeks to see the effect.

Imagine dark colors leaving your eyes and bright colors entering them
Focus on an object far away, then sway your body to the left and right, with the object as the point of focus. Slowly sway left and right for ten times, if you feel the strain, relax the eyes by palming or blinking and repeat a few times daily. Swinging helps fix the eye movements that are made unstable by the focus errors.
Blink quickly ten times, then followed by palming for a few seconds. Repeat another time to help cleanse and relax the eyes. This is helpful if you have been staring at the screen for too long. Blinking also helps the eyes regain moisture through the tear ducts.
Eye Acupressure
Apply light pressure around the orbital bone using the thumbs. A gentle press or massage on acupressure points helps blood circulation around the eye and promote the flow of energy. This exercise is best done twice a day, maybe morning and night. If you experience pain, it could indicate that the flow is blocked, and proceed more carefully.
Eye Stretch
This simple exercise can be done anywhere quickly when you need it. Simply hold your head still, and move your eyes in all directions, slowly and one direction at a time. After looking up, down, right, left and diagonally, move eyes clockwise and anticlockwise to complete the set.
Focus Exercise
Closing one eye, focus on a distant object with the open eye. Focus for a three minutes before switching to the other eye. Repeat a few times daily for good effect. You will find that it is harder to perform this exercise with your non-dominant eye, AKA, the weaker one.

It is best to focus on far-away objects that cannot move
Correct Head Tilt
If you notice that you are tilting your head to adjust for the viewing error, you might have to be more conscious of your head position. Correcting your head tilt can help eye exercises work better, as they retrain with correct position of your head.
Side Vision Exercise
Using a long piece of paper, wide enough to cover the eyes but not block the side vision, do the exercise without corrective tools. Tape the paper to block your forward vision, so you can try to use your peripheral vision. Without moving your head, try to see the fingers that you are raising on your side. Stop when your eyes feel tired.
Look Out
Optometrists usually recommend focusing on something far away after concentrating on near objects for a while. Focusing objects on different distance helps to exercise and relax eye muscles. This practice is important if you have been looking at things near distance like reading.
Good Lighting
The retina needs good lighting to work; the eyes and muscles will strain to make out objects and words. Always avoid straining your eyes by working in a place with good lighting.
Up the Humidity
Dry eyes can increase the risk of damage and strain. The dried bits in the eye can also damage the lens of the eye. Use lubricating eye drops frequently if your office or home does not have a humidifier.

Humidifiers come in all shapes, sizes, and price ranges
Raw Egg Yolks
Egg yolk contains lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids that stop damage to in the eye. But both carotenoids are damaged by heat, so take the egg yolks raw. Blend in smoothies is a good way if you are not keen on eating raw egg yolks neat. Opt for pastured eggs as they have less risk of salmonella.
Rich in beta-carotene, the recommended serving is one cup or two medium-sized carrots weekly. Carrots also have vitamin A, which is important in repairing the retina, the layer in charge of telling the brain what we are seeing.
Tomatoes contain lycopene and vitamins. Antioxidants and nutrients that are crucial to keeping the lens and cornea in tip-top shape. Lycopene can also protect against further deterioration. Simply add more tomatoes to your diet to reduce your astigmatism symptoms.
Spinach is a good source of lutein, vitamin C, and magnesium. Raw spinach is more helpful, as vitamin C can be destroyed via heat. Both nutrients are important to strengthen the eye muscle.
Kale contains all the carotenoids that your eye needs to prevent astigmatism. Drink kale by blending it into smoothie daily. A cup of kale is enough for a daily portion.

Kale can be eaten in salads, wraps, and sandwiches
Alfalfa is a power vegetable, best eaten raw. It contains macro and micronutrients that help maintain strong eye muscles. Add in sandwiches or blend into smoothies.
Wild Alaskan Salmon
Wild salmon contains astaxanthin, the carotenoid that can help improve astigmatism. Salmon also contains vitamin B, which are energy providers to muscle. If you want to take a supplement, opt for wild salmon and not farmed ones.
26 Legumes
Legumes contain high levels of Vitamins A, B, and E, as well as magnesium and zinc. Mix legumes in salads to spice up your diet.
Pumkin seeds and sunflower seeds contain minerals like zinc and magnesium, plus other micronutrients that help prevent and improve astigmatism. Seeds can also be added to salad, like legumes.
Blueberry has anthocyanin, an antioxidant, and an alkaloid that is valuable for eye health. Take handfuls daily to get a good amount of the anthocyanin, plus vitamins C to help improve eye health. Eat blueberries raw or bake them into desserts to consume them regularly.

A serving size of blueberries is one cup
Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) contains anthocyanosides, as well as vitamins. Most bilberry formulations will lack vitamins unless fortified. However, the anthocyanosides are helpful in helping prevent astigmatism.
Acai is a power fruit with all its alkaloids, anti-inflammatory properties, and antioxidants. Drink Acai shots regularly to improve overall health; your eyes will thank you.
Goji Berry
The goji berry contains high levels of antioxidants and anthocyanins, both are important in maintaining eye health and improving astigmatism. You can eat them by the handfuls daily.
Blackcurrant contains anthocyanosides and alkaloids similar to blueberry, it also contains a high level of Vitamin C. Eat fresh blackcurrant regularly when in season to help prevent astigmatism.
This is a cheaper version of goji berry but also packed with similar nutrients. Wolfberry is a popular item in Chinese cooking as it naturally sweetens food. Wolfberry comes in dried forms, so reconstitute with water before eating.

Fresh wolfberries
Raw garlic is a popular remedy for many ailments because it contains many components that help the body. Chew raw garlic daily to improve blood circulation and get the vitamins you need to improve astigmatism.
The raw, sugarless form of chocolate tastes bitter because of the alkaloids and nutrients. Cacao contains high levels of magnesium, zinc, and antioxidants, which are all important to maintain eye health.
Indian Gooseberry, or amla, contains antioxidants and high amounts of vitamins to improve eye muscle. You can find amla powder to mix in water and drink if you are luckier the fresh fruit is better.
Turmeric contains antioxidants and vitamins A, C, and E. Drink turmeric mixed in water daily, or take the capsules regularly. Turmeric is a natural antioxidant that can prevent astigmatism from getting worse
A combination of yellow myrobalan, balletic, and amla, Triphala is an Ayurvedic medicine for astigmatism. You can find them in capsules or powder form to take daily.
Chamomile is a natural relaxant. The aim is to drink chamomile when you are stressed. It is also a muscle relaxant and helps reduce ocular stress. The herb also contains antioxidants and vitamins to improve eye health and prevent worsening of astigmatism.

Organic Chamomile Tea, 15-pack ($5.49)
Drink a cup of nettle (urtica dioica) tea twice a day to obtain the vitamins and antioxidants daily. Nettle can also improve blood circulation, which allows more nutrients to reach the eye muscle.
Cassia Seed
Cassia seed is an anti-inflammatory focusing on liver detoxification. The Cassia seed is a Chinese herbal remedy to remove the heat from the body and relieving stress. Steep 9- 15 grams of seed (one teaspoon) in hot water and drink daily to help improve overall eye health.
Milk Thistle
Milk Thistle is usually a liver protective herb, it also contains alkaloids that help improve the body’s nervous system. This herb is usually found in capsules to take daily. Take these supplements as directed.
Grape Seed Extract
An extract made from grape seeds contains high levels of antioxidants and vitamins, as well as other alkaloids that are helpful in maintaining eye health. Grape seed extract comes in capsule forms to take daily.
Pau D’arco
Pau D’arco (Tabebuia avellanedae) is an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic; it is also a good blood detoxifying agent. Steep one teaspoon of dried leaves and drink daily to improve blood circulation and help eyes fix the error.
Licorice Root
Licorice root contains vitamin C and other antioxidants. The traditional Ayurvedic remedy: Mix two tablespoons of ghee, half a teaspoon of the powdered licorice roots and two teaspoons of honey into a glass of warm water. Drink the mixture once or twice daily for a month to see improvement in astigmatism.

Licorice root
Gentian Root
Gentian Root, or Long Dan Chao, is Chinese medicine to help protect the liver against inflammation. It is also a muscle relaxant and can help reduce eye strain. The recommended dose is three to six grams, any more can slow down the heart rate.
Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) is an anti-inflammatory and it also contains many nutrients. Steep some dried horsetail in hot water, let it cool before using it as an eye bath daily. Horsetail can reduce eye strain and help improve eyesight.
Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis) can be found as a tincture rather than dried herb. But a few drops in warm water and use as an eye bath to reduce eye strain. Eyebright herb and also be drunk as a tea, but the tincture is good for eye baths.
Coriander Seeds
Take two tablespoons of coriander seed with one tablespoon of sugar, boil in two glasses of water and let cool. Strain and store in a sterile bottle to use as an eye drop for a month. Coriander contains many anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Using eye drops is a quicker way to gain the benefits if you are not keen on the taste.
Stop Smoking
Cigarettes contain many harmful ingredients that can rupture blood vessels and weaken eye muscles. Cigarette smoke also dries the eyes and will contribute to the deterioration of eye health.
Sugar-Free Diet
Food with added white sugar contributes to the inflammatory pathway in the body. A sugar-free diet lessens the inflammation and allows the eyes to experience less strain.
Alcohol-Free Diet
Alcohol can be dehydrating, and it also stresses out the liver. Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine advises staying away from alcohol to improve liver health, which will then help with astigmatism.

If you want to continue drinking, talk to your eye doctor about how much alcohol is right for you
Which of these home remedies are you most likely to try? Comment with your answer below!