Tagged: lemon


40 Home Remedies for a Dry Scalp

Dry scalp can result from simple and overlooked practices. When the scalp is dry, there is bound to be an underlying reason. While the place of ailments and infections can also not be left out here, it is important to always act swiftly whenever a change in your scalp condition is noticed. Early action is crucial in most cases and can prevent deterioration.

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68 Home Remedies for Wrinkles Around the Eyes

Most of the home remedies in this article are either dietary or involve using a paste or moisturizer near your eyes. While all of the paste/moisturizer home remedies in this article are safe to use on your face, try not to get the ingredients in your eyes, as this may make them burn or otherwise feel uncomfortable.

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45 Home Remedies for Acne

Acne can emerge on the chest, back, scalp, and especially on the face. Some common acne cures can be costly. They also have unfavorable side effects like dryness, redness, and irritation. Many people look for a natural home remedy for acne. The following remedies may be useful in treating acne.


62 Home Remedies for Abdominal Pain

What is abdominal pain?  It occurs in the area from your chest to your pelvic area.   The main causes of abdominal pain are cramps, infections, abnormal growths, inflammation, and obstructions such as blockages of the intestines.   It can also cause digestion problems, diarrhea and/or constipation. Some additional causes of abdominal pain are viral, bacterial, or parasitic infections that can causes problems with the stomach and the intestines.

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35 Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids result due to the inflammation of the veins close to the anal opening or canal. Hemorrhoids are far from painless and thus if they remain for a long time than it does cause much distress. The common side effects of hemorrhoids involve bleeding during bowel movements and itchiness.  


40 Home Remedies for Hair Loss

The loss of hundreds of hair strands daily should not be a cause for concern. The main time that hair loss becomes a cause of concern is when too much hair loss continuously occurs.

The reason for the above-mentioned statement is that hair loss occurs naturally due to new hair growing. The time when hair loss becomes unnatural and unusual is when more hair falls out than hair that is growing. The loss of too many hair strands might require a professional consultation with a dermal specialist.

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56 Home Remedies for Gum Pain

Gum pain is one of the ailments that people have to contend with when it comes to oral health. Sometimes, the onset of gingivitis is the presence of soreness in the gums with or without tenderness around the gums.

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44 Home Remedies for Gastritis

Gastritis can be unpleasant, as it comes with bloating, nausea, acid reflux, stomach pain, among other symptoms. This ailment is one that can make your day unpleasant and keep you awake at night.  Many people lose their appetite when gastritis is in full swing.

The reason for the remedies is to ensure that you do not continue to suffer the disturbing symptoms.  Getting a hold of how to get relief from the ailment is important so that the needed changes can be made. Lifestyle changes, as well as the usage of remedies, will provide the relief that you need.


27 Home Remedies for Gassy Babies

Does your child constantly struggle with breaking or releasing wind? Flatulence, commonly referred to as gas pain, is quite normal to every human being. Releasing gas is a natural, unavoidable human behavior that is understandable. The inability to pass gas easily has grave implications for the digestive system and the entire body. Gas problems may also be experienced by toddlers. This may be due to some special food or habit that triggers intestinal gas accumulation.


40 Home Remedies for the Flu

The cause of common cold has been identified to result from infection by viruses of about 200 similar and disparate types. The essence of this is to highlight that flu is not necessarily common cold. The symptoms of flu can be eliminated and the infection can be cured. Colds are also regarded to be milder compared to flu.