44 Home Remedies for Gastritis

Gastritis can be unpleasant, as it comes with bloating, nausea, acid reflux, stomach pain, among other symptoms. This ailment is one that can make your day unpleasant and keep you awake at night.  Many people lose their appetite when gastritis is in full swing.

The reason for the remedies is to ensure that you do not continue to suffer the disturbing symptoms.  Getting a hold of how to get relief from the ailment is important so that the needed changes can be made. Lifestyle changes, as well as the usage of remedies, will provide the relief that you need.


Understanding Gastritis

Gastritis affects the inner lining of the stomach and can show up as mild irritation. When it is mild, it can easily pass for anything and be ignored. However, this will lead to its severity over time that can lead to perforations on the walls of the stomach lining.

When bacteria have a free rein within your stomach walls, it can lead to complications of ulcers. When left untreated, the emergence of cancer cannot be ruled out. Although this might look gloomy, it is easy to treat when you follow it up early.

Everyone has to make sure that as symptoms arise in their bodies that steps are taken to get treatment after diagnosis of whatever is amiss. Early detection is important always not just for gastritis. Diverticulitis also has similar symptoms. It is best to be properly diagnosed to know which digestive issue is plaguing you. Once you know what you have, you can treat the ailment better.


Common Symptoms

The symptoms that you can pinpoint easily are as follows:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Bloating and corresponding pains in the abdomen
  • Heartburns
  • Indigestion
  • Hiccups
  • Starry tools and sometimes blackened
  • Vomiting and nausea


Home Remedies for Gastritis


  1. Turmeric

Curcumin is a vital component found in turmeric. This aids the anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal actions of this remedy. Also reputed for the healing polyphenols, turmeric will reduce the impact of irritation and soothe the gastric outlines.

To use this home remedy, mix a tablespoon each of ground turmeric, mashed banana, and plain yogurt. Once mixed, eat the mix. Do this whenever your gastritis symptoms act up.

turmeric, spice

Turmeric root and powder

  1. Ginger

Looking at the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects of ginger, you will realize the reasons while it is suitable for use here. As one of the commonly used home remedies, it is efficacious for several ailments.  Ginger also soothes the inner walls of the stomach and dampens esophagus irritation. It eliminates bacteria that spurs gastric ailments.

It is recommended for many forms of gastritis and only extreme cases might be unresponsive. Ginger is applied in powdered form or taken in tea infusions. It is beneficial and patients can get better results when used in early detection of gastritis.

To use this home remedy, simply chew on a small piece of ginger. This is likely to taste very spicy, especially to people who have not tried ginger before. When you are done chewing on the ginger, drink a glass of water.


  1. Broccoli

Sulforaphane is present if broccoli and from research reports, this kills off the bacteria responsible for the ailment. Even when the bacteria have become resistant to strains of antibiotics, this remedy remains effective.

Using the sprouts of broccoli is recommended as these contains up to 50 times the active ingredient found in a mature broccoli plant. Health stores have supplements of broccoli and you can use this option if the raw broccoli taste puts you off. Eating broccoli a couple of times each week is a recommended routine for the health of all and sundry.


  1. Tamarind

There is a worthy relief that you can get from using the water from tamarind to treat gastritis. The recommended remedy is to douse some pinches of asafetida in the tamarind water before use. You can alternatively add water from cumin seeds. Drink this a few times each day to be relieved.

tamarind, gastritis

Tamarind pods and leaves

  1. Cloves

Cloves have a spicy effect when consumed. This is why it can remedy bacteria and fungi onslaught at all times. To use this home remedy, simply chew on some cloves. When you are done chewing, drink a glass of warm milk or water. If you do not want to try this drink, you can alternatively add cloves to your meals.


  1. Garlic

Garlic has been in use across several cultures on earth for ages. And it is considered as one of the efficacious home remedies of all time. A daily dose is effective in warding off various ailments.

Apart from eliminating fungi and bacterial infections, it can be added to meals to boost personal immunity. The range of pylori bacteria are warped easily by this remedy but make sure you do not have reactions to this herb before use. To use this home remedy, simply add more garlic to your meals.


  1. Food Selection

When you are selective with food that gets on your platter, you could get around the symptoms of gastritis. It means that you must watch out for the food you are eating so that tracing can be possible.  When you get the ailment thereafter, you can pinpoint what you have eaten that triggered it.

Use a diary to record what you eat daily. Pinpoint what time the symptoms arose. Discontinue eating or drinking the food or beverage if you discover that it agitates your symptoms.


  1. Coconut Water

The water sealed up within the coconut is not just sweet to taste but also rich in minerals. The presence of compounds in this remedy makes it a soothing pick for your digestive system.

This liquid can expel toxins from your body so that any lingering free radicals can be taken out of the way. Its effect on the human body temperature is one that normalizes it. It can be consumed many times a day for best relief.


  1. Lifestyle Changes

There are a number of things that people engage in that puts their health at risk. In the same vein, you can introduce others to boost your state of health. The following is recommended when gastritis is identified:

  • Dry friction is helpful based on rubbing the stomach for about five minutes each day
  • Use a sponge on your abdomen as though washing it off
  • Before eating, apply a hot compress to your stomach
  • Limit physical exertion
  • Walk, jog, swim, or play golf
  • Avoid stress and relax more often


  1. Vitamin Supplements

Vitamin E performs a credible role in your health status. The anti-inflammatory components help keep you healthy and the supplements can be sourced from local health stores. It will dampen acid reflux. Vitamin supplements also help to regenerate the digestive cultures to ease bloating and pains. When taking supplements, make sure to take them as directed on the packaging.


  1.  Carom Seeds

 Carom seed can also be referred to as Ajwain. This is an antacid that occurs naturally and dampens acidic reactions around the mucous membrane. This will also help to get your stomach relaxed and ease any lingering pains. A teaspoon measure of carom seeds doused with a pinch of salt is healthy and recommended whenever your symptoms appear.


  1.  Iron

Anemia can lead to gastritis and a lingering loss situation can be harmful. Do not take it for granted when you are anemic as poor attention can only worsen your health.Get some iron supplements and take regularly as directed on the packaging. Alternatively,  you can also up your iron intake by eating more of fiber, lean proteins, and vitamins.


  1. Artichoke

If your digestion becomes affected, you can have recurring gastritis and this has to be avoided. Using the artichoke remedy can help you get past this situation. Vegetables have a credible effect on your digestion and the huge protein intake of modern days is alarming. This leads to challenged digestion.

Artichokes are abuzz with fiber and can remedy your digestion challenge. They are also huge in an alkaline base in dietary supply. This helps in normalizing your pH levels and balances the pyloric juices. To this home remedy, simply eat a couple of boiled artichoke leaves.


Cut open artichoke

  1. Yoga

The ancient yogi descriptions have a huge impact on the human wellbeing and should not be overlooked. The gaze, concentration, and body moving routines all have a commendable effect on your health status. The asana that comes up in use during yoga not only imposes deep breathing and exhalation but also boosts other physiological functions.

If you engage in yoga each morning, you can relieve the symptoms of gastritis. Yoga is known to help release stress and calm your mind. Gases that are trapped in your stomach have a vent to be released with asana that specifies upward thrust of the abdomen. Other routines will help toughen the muscles in your navel and entire abdomen.


  1. Black Pepper Mix

Just like using carom seeds brings worthy results for the treatment of gastritis, black pepper also does the same. You can add black pepper, ginger, and carom seeds to relieve symptoms of gastritis.

To use this home remedy, mix equal parts black pepper, carom seeds, and crushed ginger. Mix these well. Each day, mix a tablespoon of this mixture with a glass of warm water. Do this once a day until you have fully recovered from your symptoms.


  1. Banana and Papaya Mix

Papaya is such a pharmaceutical delight that its use is numerous across the globe. Banana, on the other hand, is reputed for its stabilizing effect on your stomach. You can go this route on a daily basis for excellent results.

A smoothie made with both ingredients will be excellent. To make this healing smoothie, follow the instructions below.

  • Get three fingers of banana and a quarter cut of average size papaya
  • Peel them and grate in a grating machine
  • Add a cup of milk
  • Blend again until fully combined
  • Drink this mix mornings and evenings until your symptoms are gone


  1. Lemon

The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory edge of lemon is such that is widely reported. Since this remedy is such that expel toxins, it is well-suited for your stomach. This remedy can also help to minimize vomiting and other traces of nausea.

To use this home remedy, simply mix a lemon’s worth of lemon juice and honey to taste. Drink this each day for a week to be relieved of your symptoms.


  1. Cabbage Juice

Cabbage might be your go-to pick for salads but it has tremendous health effects too. This popular veggie is a good treatment for gastritis and is easily prepared at home. To prepare your own cabbage juice at home, follow the instructions below.

  • Wash your cabbage leaves
  • Add a cup of water in a blender and blend
  • Drink the mix when you are yet to eat anything
  • Use twice each day for best results


celery, juice, dizziness

Cabbage can be mixed with other vegetables or fruits to make the drink taste better

  1. Buttermilk Mix

You can deploy this remedy to take care of the symptoms of gastritis. Adding black pepper and carom seeds to buttermilk will enhance its potency. To use this home remedy, mix a teaspoon each of carom seeds and black pepper into a glass of buttermilk. Drink this mixture twice a day, every day, until you have recovered from your gastritis.


  1. Parsley

Parsley belongs to the family of spices and can be sued as a home remedy to treat gastritis. Consuming this herb as a tea is recommended. To make a tea from parsley, put three teaspoons of parsley leaves into a pot of boiling water. Allow this mixture to steep for fifteen minutes. Allow this tea to cool before drinking. Drink this tea three times each day until you have recovered from your symptoms.


  1. Goldenseal

This herb is one of the common means of treating infections based on home remedies. It is reputed for eliminating ulcers, gastritis, and other stomach inflammation conditions. This herb is rich in manganese, iron, vitamins, and calcium. It can be taken as a tea or powdered form.


  1. Holy Basil

The holy basil is one of the commonest remedies that you can trust for efficacious treatment of infections. It is reviewed in many Ayurveda remedies and is well known for relief of acid reflux. The leaves can be consumed in dried form, crushed leaves or as herbal infusions. You can drink this daily to treat gastritis.


  1.  Flaxseed

This remedy is also well-reviewed and can be used to eliminate stomach inflammation and gastritis. To use this home remedy, measure a teaspoon of pure flaxseed. Dissolve in warm water measured in a glass. Leave the mix to steep overnight. You can drink this twice a day. Continue to use until you get better.

Flax seeds, seeds, stomach

Flax seeds

  1. Black Salt and Sprague Powder

This combination can be made used for the relief of gastritis when dissolved in warm water. Measure out three teaspoons of Sprague powder. Get a half teaspoon measure of black salt. Make a mix of black salt and Sprague powder. Measure two grams of the mix and dissolve in a cup of warm water. Drink the mix immediately after dissolving it in warm water. Drink this once each morning to get the best results.


  1. Milk and Olive Oil

Olive oil can be used for many remedies and it fits well for the treatment of gastritis too. When used as described, it will dampen irritation along the intestine walls. To use this home remedy, mix a tablespoon of olive oil into a cup of hot milk. Drink this mixture first thing in the morning, before breakfast, to get the best results. Do this each day until you are cured of your gastritis.


  1. Cardamon Mix

Treating gastritis is possible using this remedy and you can prepare a mix of cardamon seeds. You need to add cinnamon and fennel seeds to make it more virile. This mix is known to combat all the known symptoms of gastritis and this how to go about it.

To use this home remedy, mix equal parts cardamom seeds, fennel seeds, and cinnamon. Fry these ingredients on low for twenty minutes. When the time’s up, mix in small amount of cooking oil. Continue to cook the spices until they become powdery. Eat half a teaspoon of this remedy each day until you recover from your symptoms.


  1. Fenugreek Mix

Another mix you can sue for treating gastritis is the fenugreek recipe. Mix equal parts of fenugreek, turmeric, and asafetida. Grate into a powder form. Dissolve in a glass of milk and drink this before you retire to bed.


  1. Bromelain

Bromelain also features as a remedy for the treatment of inflammation and a number of other health challenges. This enzyme is identifiable in the stems and juices from pineapple. Simply eat more pineapple or drink more pineapple juice to take advantage of this home remedy.


  1. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile is not just sweet in fragrance but it is also anti-inflammatory in composition. For people who have gastritis as a result of allergies and infections, the tea made from this herb is worthwhile to use. Make chamomile tea by immersing the roots in the glass. You can also use the tea bags from health stores. It is better not to boil tea bags so that the active ingredients are not denatured.


  1. Fennel

Fennel seeds can be used with other ingredients to stop gastritis or use it alone. Roast some fennel seeds. After meals, chew them.

You can also immerse a teaspoon measure of the fennel seeds in a glass full of warm water. Drink after it cools. To sweeten, add some jaggery to it. You can also use honey as a taste enhancer. Repeat a couple of times daily until your gastritis symptoms are gone.

Fennel, spice, eye infections

Fennel seeds

  1. Rosemary

Rosemary has such properties that neutralize viral, bacterial and inflammatory conditions associated with many ailments. This remedy helps with pains by bringing you the desired relief. Take this remedy as a tea by getting the oral form from grocery stores. You can alternatively cook meals with the rosemary spice to get similar benefits.


  1. Potato

The healing properties found in potatoes are active against gastritis. This remedy is known as a natural antacid and with a range of healing prowess. Obtain potato juice and drink half a cup of it, twice a day. It is best to do this fifteen minutes before both breakfast and dinner.


  1. Peach Leaves

Peach is sweet-tasting but the leaves provide the remedy needed in this case. Measure two teaspoons of clean peach leaves. Immerse them in a bowl and pour in a boiled water in a glass fill. Cover the bowl for ten minutes so that it can steep. Strain and put aside the leaves. Drink the water as tea thrice daily. Continue to use this home remedy until you are fully recovered.


  1. Peppermint

Peppermint provides such properties that help your body ward off infections from fungi, bacteria, and inflammation. Your use of peppermint will help to dampen nausea, heartburn, indigestion, and vomiting.

There are three main ways in which to use peppermint as a home remedy for gastritis:

  • Chew the leaves of peppermint up to thrice a day
  • Drink the tea four times daily
  • Add peppermint to your meals in some way daily

Mint leaves

  1. Quit Smoking and Avoid Alcohol

Smoking and alcohol consumption does no good for your health. When you give up these negativities, your chance to recover from this ailment is enhanced. Give up on visiting places where tobacco is always consumed and avoid the fumes. The presence of tobacco and alcohol will lead to irritation along the walls of your stomach lining in more ways than one.

You can make do with minute bits of wine instead since this has some health benefits. This must not be a ticket for heavy consumption of wine as an excess will lead to compromise of your stomach linings internally.


  1. Yogurt

Yogurt comes highly rated for use in a number of ailments and the efficacy cannot be disproved. When consumed, it helps the stomach in that organic cultures that are of use get a boost. Yogurt is also known to form a layer of protection around your intestinal linings. It is active against bacterial infections without a doubt. To use this home remedy, simply eat a cup of yogurt each day.


  1. Sleep Therapy

Sleep has such huge effects on the state of health of every human that you cannot downplay its use. Disruptions in sleep will compromise your immunity and weaken your ability to beat back infections. Less sleep leads to evident stress and disorientation. When you sleep consistently and in a regular manner, you will be better equipped to fight intrusions. Pesky bacteria are lingering around the corner and poor state of health will give them a foothold.


  1. Drink Water

Water is one means to expel toxins from your body and a steady dose is recommended. The average person is advised to gulp up to eight glasses of water each day for optimal results. When you gulp lots of water, you are able to dilute the acidic level in your stomach. This inevitably leads to a balanced pH with the digestive tracts.

It is often advised to eat up before drinking water so that the digestive juices can have a full effect. Do not assume fizzy drinks as a replacement for water as they introduce more sugar and gases to your body stream. When you have gastritis, avoid caffeinated drinks until you recover.


  1. Marigold

This nice-sounding remedy is another stab at gastritis. To use this home remedy, begin by obtaining marigold extracts from the herbal store. Drink this three times each day using two teaspoon measure each time. To learn how to consume essential oils safely, read this article


  1.  Rice

Rice can help with the ailment at the inception. This means that you should know the symptoms and be able to step up on this remedy.Eat two bowls of freshly prepared rice meal each day. When the condition is intense, eat larger servings of rice. Additionally, drinking rice water and also be beneficial.


  1. Mastic 

The mastic tree gives up some resins and in turn, you can use those as a remedy for this ailment.  The drug stores and health outlets sell the supplements as gum Arabic. Use this as directed on the packaging.

gum arabic gastritis

Gum Arabic

  1. Carrots

This is huge in diuretic properties and also serves as an anti-inflammation item; you need to eat more of this remedy when you have gastritis. You can step up consumption by eating raw or cooked carrots. Carrot juice can also be equally beneficial.


  1. Licorice

Licorice is mentioned in several remedies as an anti-inflammatory agent. This remedy also soothes effectively after you consume. It works spritely and after consumption, you can expect immediate positive effects. It also has a  fast effect on heartburn, indigestion, and bloating.

To use this home remedy, get some powder of licorice into a cup of warm water. Leave to steep for ten minutes. Strain and drink this three times daily use is advised to ease the symptoms of gastritis.


  1. Cranberry 

This remedy is used for a number of ailments as a home remedy that is efficacious. It works against bacteria in your guts. The effect is such that bacteria will not attach to your intestinal linings and surrounding tissues

Consume cranberry as tea, drink cranberry juice, or take the extracts in pill form. If you are taking cranberry supplements, make sure to use them as directed.


cranberries, prostate


Which of these home remedies are you most likely to use? Comment below!








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