Tagged: weight loss

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26 Apple Health Benefits

Apples are considered to be among the healthiest food sources. It is one of the most cultivated and most consumed fruit worldwide.  It is a rich source of fiber, Vitamin C, antioxidants, dietary fiber, and flavonoids. They are also very low in calories. They have a very faint trace of sodium and contain no fat or cholesterol. Apples are available throughout the year. They have a variety of health benefits.


10 Exercises to Eliminate Man Boobs

“Man boobs,” also known simply as “moobs” are medically known as gynecomastia. This health problem is common in older men. It usually begins occurring in men who are around 50 years old, but it can happen to men of any age. This article will discuss some of the causes of gynecomastia and some of the exercises you can use to reduce the fat on the chest. By doing these exercises you can say goodbye to your man boobs and say hello to a muscular set of pecks.


23 Exercises to Burn Belly Fat

This article will discuss some of the most popular exercises that can be used to burn away belly fat. Pictures or videos will be provided for some of the more complicated exercises to show you how it’s done. These exercises will need to be done often if you want to see any results. Also, for tips on how to boost your metabolism (which can make losing weight easier) or losing weight for your whole body in general, you can read this article as well.

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29 Tips to Lose Weight Safely

The aim of this article is to teach our readers how to lose weight naturally and safely. We will not be discussing weight loss pills or fad diets, as these can sometimes do more harm than good. All of the tips given in this article can be used by people of any age or gender. However, some of the tips may be difficult to use if you are especially overweight or have mobility issues.


27 Home Remedies for Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism, also referred to as thyrotoxicosis, is a condition of greater than normal activity of the thyroid gland. An excess of thyroid hormone is then produced by the thyroid gland beyond the normal level of thyroid hormones in the bloodstreams. Thyrotoxicosis is a related condition and this result when there is an abnormal rise in the level of thyroid hormones. This can lead to a hormone imbalance.

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23 Health Benefits of Popular Teas

There are dozens of types of teas to choose from when you are shopping. You are likely to consider taste and caffeine contents. Once you read through this article, you may also want to consider what the tea you drink can do to improve your overall health.

This article will discuss some of the most popular teas (including herbal teas) and the ways that they can help to reduce specific symptoms of ailments and how they can boost your overall health.

When you have the option, it is best to make your tea at home with fresh or dried ingredients. Instant teas often have sugar listed as one of the major ingredients. This can reduce the effectiveness of the tea or completely counteract the tea’s natural health benefits.

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51 Home Remedies for Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia Nervosa is a type of eating disorder that affects people all over the world. Women who are in their teen years or early adult years are most likely to be affected by this disorder. This is in part because of the social pressure put on women to be thin. Over-exercising an under-eating can lead to rapid, and often unhealthy, weight loss. However, other factors, like anxiety, depression, and certain genetic factors can also lead to Anorexia Nervose.