Tagged: aloe vera gel


25 Home Remedies for Anal Fissures

When a tear occurs along the lining found in your lower rectum, anal fissures is the term used to describe the condition.  This condition can lead to recurring pains when you go for bowel movements. They do not normally become protracted or lead to other ailments.


26 Home Remedies for Ankle Swelling

An ankle swelling normally occurs when your muscles are torn or overstretched at any point in time. If your joint is twisted such that your ligaments are injured, the bones connected at the joint will be affected. Ankle sprains can also cause your ankle to swell.

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23 Home Remedies for Ankylosing Spondylitis

Ankylosing spondylitis results when the spinal bones fuse together resulting in spine rigidity. The effects may be mild or severe and can cause a stooped over posture. If diagnosed early and treated, the stiffness and pain can be avoided, and this may even prevent deformity.


26 Home Remedies for Androgenic Alopecia

Androgenic alopecia refers to a pattern of hair loss that occurs among men and women.  Since it commonly afflicts men, it is described as the male-pattern baldness.  When it occurs, it proceeds from a position that is above the sufferer’s temple, and often on both sides.


34 Home Remedies for Bed Bug Bites

Bed bugs are insects that feast on human blood. When left in your living space, they can bite and leave marks on the skin.  The aftermath of bed bug bites include some of the following symptoms:

*Dry skin

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41 Home Remedies for Blemishes

Blemishes arise on the skin in any part of the human body but they are mostly seen on the neck, shoulders, or face. While there are several medications that are recommended, there are also cosmetics that are often loaded with chemicals and extreme on the skin.


48 Home Remedies for Tongue Blisters

The tongue has a vital role to play in the human growth and nutrient-intake processes. When people look at your eyes, lips, and tongue, they are able to get an idea of how healthy you might be at such times. Blisters in tongues are often a sign of sickness or presence of an ailment in the human body. There are different kinds of tongue blisters and they will ensue based on what circumstance becomes prevalent at some point.


17 Home Remedies for Skin Tags Around the Eyes

Skin tags are small flaps of skin, usually smaller than the size of a pencil eraser. They often match a person’s skin tone. On pale people, they can also be a dark brown color. While skin tags aren’t harmful, they can be cosmetically appealing. However, they may begin to hurt if they are agitated (rubbed against).  When you have skin tags around the eyes, the pain and irritation can become annoying.

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20 Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis

Not all bacteria are harmful. They are present everywhere in the body and are necessary for various body processes. In the body, there is a balance in place to keep the activities of the bad bacteria in check. However, when this balance is tipped, infections set in. Bacterial Vaginosis simply means that there are more harmful bacteria in the vagina than good ones. It is a type of vaginitis, leading to vaginal inflammation.