Tagged: bath


39 Home Remedies for Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramps occur when there is an involuntary and sudden contraction of a couple of muscles. Anytime you are caught in that sudden contraction, it becomes clearer to you that the pains can be severe. It is not considered a fatal bout of pain but it leads to a momentary inability to move the part of the body affected.

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68 Home Remedies for Wrinkles Around the Eyes

Most of the home remedies in this article are either dietary or involve using a paste or moisturizer near your eyes. While all of the paste/moisturizer home remedies in this article are safe to use on your face, try not to get the ingredients in your eyes, as this may make them burn or otherwise feel uncomfortable.

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49 Home Remedies for Itching

There are several causes of body itching, including allergies, environmental conditions, insect bites, skin rashes, medical prescriptions, cosmetics, and medical conditions among others. Below are some details on some of the most common causes of itching.


41 Home Remedies for Abscesses

An abscess is pus that collects in pockets in many different places around the outside of the body. It is usually a thick fluid that contains lots of white blood cells, dead tissue, and bacteria. The pus may be yellow or green, have a bad smell, or appear to be thick. It is usually the result of a small infection, which causes the immune system to set off white blood cells and other antibodies to combat the infection. Sometimes, this causes tissue to die, which forms a cavity. The cavity becomes larger and larger and sometimes the pus from the infection cannot escape.

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31 Home Remedies for Inducing Labor

There are a variety of reasons why labor might be induced and top on the list is to avoid placing the unborn fetus and mother in distress. Despite listing the home remedies here, these must be conducted under the supervision of a gynecologist.

Such remedies that promote labor may cause the baby’s heartbeat to increase rapidly. As a result, putting the remedies to use with the permission of a gynecologist or under his or her supervision is vital.

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21 Health Benefits of Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is a type of healthy bath salt. It is made up of the two minerals sulfate and magnesium. It often looks like chunky bits of sea salt, but the two are not the same thing. By using Epsom salts, our body takes in some of the minerals it offers. Humans are often lacking in magnesium sulfate, which is part of the reason why Epsom salts can be so helpful.

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35 Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids result due to the inflammation of the veins close to the anal opening or canal. Hemorrhoids are far from painless and thus if they remain for a long time than it does cause much distress. The common side effects of hemorrhoids involve bleeding during bowel movements and itchiness.  

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38 Home Remedies for Genital Warts

Warts occur due to the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). This contagious virus is spread by anal and vaginal sex. Hence, warts are a form of a sexually transmitted disease. These warts are defined as growths around the private parts.


35 Home Remedies for an Enlarged Prostate

The enlargement of a prostate is determined when a rectal examination is carried out. It can also come to light when there is an examination of any fluid discharged by the patient. Also, urinalysis can be done in order to track any sign of infection or possible inflammation. The use of a blood test as well as an ultrasound can also help detect the ailment. If you suspect that your prostate is enlarged, see a doctor to get a proper diagnosis.


35 Home Remedies for the Chickenpox

hickenpox is not as common as is used to be, as there is a reliable vaccine for it. If possible, it is best to get a vaccine, instead of risking getting the chickenpox. Vaccines do not cause autism. It is also much better to not have chickenpox than to get it. Children who are exposed to chickenpox are likely to get shingles when they are older. Chickenpox is also likely to be worse in adults than in children. If you have already been vaccinated, then you will not get the chickenpox.