41 Home Remedies for Abscesses

Abscesses can be a pain. For those suffering from it, don’t be alarmed. It is a very common disorder that afflicts literally millions of people every year. Far more often than not, it’s a relatively easy disorder to deal with.

An abscess is pus that collects in pockets in many different places around the outside of the body. It is usually a thick fluid that contains lots of white blood cells, dead tissue, and bacteria. The pus may be yellow or green, have a bad smell, or appear to be thick. It is usually the result of a small infection, which causes the immune system to set off white blood cells and other antibodies to combat the infection. Sometimes, this causes tissue to die, which forms a cavity. The cavity becomes larger and larger and sometimes the pus from the infection cannot escape.

Commonly, abscesses tend to form both outside the body and inside the body. The most visible abscesses form under the skin. The most common example is a boil. Another very common example is an ingrown hair in which the hair root becomes infected and develops a small abscess underneath.

Abscesses tend to form in warm places, like your armpits, the back of your knee, the side of your neck, or in your genital area.  Abscesses can also form inside of an organ or in the space between organs. An abscess within your body usually comes from another source, such as another larger injection. They can also occur in your mouth, around your teeth, and in your cheeks. These are some common, pesky abscesses that we will target specifically within this article.


Types of Abscesses

An abscess may arise on various sections of the human form, but they most commonly occur in, around or near the skin and its surface. They are alternately referred to as boils. This is particularly true for abscesses that occur under the layers of skin, rather than on the surface.

There are particular areas of the body that are prone to abscesses, such as armpits and the inner thighs, also known as called hidradenitis suppurativa or acne inversa (AI). So it is clear those areas of regular abrasion are prone to abscesses. Other known commonly affected areas are the areas around the groin areas. This is especially true around the rectum.

Abscesses can be caused by swelling. This swelling can be caused near hair or sweat glands. They are not limited to the skin, and have been known to affect every single organ, especially the brain, kidneys, liver, and lungs.

Contrary to popular opinion, an abscess is not a cyst. Apart from being similar in form, they are in substance, made of and made by different processes. They are mutually filled with fluid, but that is where the similarities end. An abscess is infected, while a cyst is not. This makes an abscess infinitely more dangerous than a cyst. This does not suggest that a cyst’s fluid cannot turn infected and therefore into an abscess.

The main way for treatment, for outermost abscesses,  is to drain the pus from the abscess. If the abscess is small enough, you can safely do it. If it’s larger, it might be better to have a doctor take a look. Fortunately, no matter how large the abscess is, there are many cures for them. Not all cures are topical and require a doctor’s visit. Some cases can be created at home for not a lot of money with ingredients you might already have. This article will provide you with many home remedies you can use to treat your abscess problems.


Home Remedies for Abscesses

  1. Echinacea and Goldenseal Supplements

These two substances have strong characteristics that combat bacterial infections. They too stimulate the human body’s immune system. They can prove useful in staving of many forms of infection.

The recommended dosage is combining 250-500mg of Echinacea and 150-300mg of goldenseal. This should be consumed three to four times a day for no longer than a week at a time.


  1. Clove Oil

This oil possesses particles that prevent fungal growth, a wound becoming septic, and tooth/gum issues. It kills various types of infections. It possessed antioxidants and essential nutrients such as manganese and omega-3.  Clove oil is a recurring ingredient that is used for the relief of ailments across several cultures around the globe. This along with its rich fibre content allowed it to alleviate pain and mitigate swelling; thereby proving essential in fighting infections.

Use clove oil as toothpaste, lightly brushing your teeth with it and massaging the substance into your gums. Excessive pressure will prove detrimental and only worsen swelling and pain! This should be redone regularly as per the desire of the user.

As an alternative, manually crushing raw cloves in your mouth and allowing the powder (in a tea bag or a sort of sheath) to rest in the infected area and cheek for half an hour. This can then be combined with hydrogen peroxide and the clove oil to produce a substance that can be applied to the aggrieved area with the aid of a cotton ball.

Another alternative method is to combine a quarter of a teaspoon of olive oil and two drops of distilled clove oil. Allow the mixture to be absorbed by a cotton ball and apply this cotton ball to the inside of the cheek and infected region of your mouth. Allow the product to work for as long as possible. It should be noted that under no circumstances should this be left in your mouth overnight. It is a choking hazard. Repeat consistently according to your needs.

By frying two or three cloves that have been crushed along with a spoonful of coconut, sesame or mustard oil, you can use this home remedy in yet another way. This should be spliced in order to create a paste. This paste will now be applied to the area of swelling and pain. Use this home remedy as often as needed.

cloves, herb, aromatic, gum pain

Clove oil and cloves come from the carnation flower.

  1. Turmeric

This is a spice that has an orange-yellow hue that has been used regularly in Indian cuisine for hundreds of years. Various studies have had mixed conclusions on the active component of the spice, curcumin. Nevertheless, it has consistently shown promise pertaining to its use in suppressing swelling and combating infection. This has been championed by the University of Maryland Health Centre.

It is commonly consumed as a drink is people affected with boils. To use this home remedy, create a tea that contains two teaspoons of the powdered spice. This is made with either tea or water. It is recommended that it is consumed three times a day over the span of three days.

Alternatively, it has been combined with water and/or milk to create a paste. This paste can then be directly applied to the aggrieved boil.

Experts say that that the consumption of this in liquid form is useful as it clears internal infection, while the paste merely cosmetically clears things up. Unlike other remedies, both the drink and paste can be executed in tandem.


  1. Warm Salt Water

Salt has been known to mitigate infection, discomfort, and swelling. Warm saline has been proven to prevent infection, especially in the mouth.

Combine a teaspoon of salt- this can be salt of any origin and variety- with a glass of moderately warm water. This will help more salt be easily dissolved within it. This saline solution can now be used to gargle with, allowing the salt to mitigate the  infection.

Initial pain is expected, but if it persists, the method should be immediately abandoned. As always, this method will only prove effective if it done regularly and consistently.


  1. Echinacea Tea Mix

For this home remedy, you will need three drops of Echinacea tincture, six, drops of yerba mania tincture, and one cup of warm to hot water (not boiling). Mix all the ingredients together thoroughly to create an emulsion. Consume this at a maximum dosage of five times a day. The desired effect would be it kick-starting the functioning of the immune system, alleviating the negative effects of the abscess.


  1. Oregano Oil

This oil has been seen as a substance that can stimulate your immune system as it possesses substances that combat bacteria, fungal, and viral infections. It has also become notorious for mitigating discomfort.

Add a handful of drops of the oil to the aggrieved region of the body. Repeat this process at regular interval for maximum effectiveness. Read this article to learn how to use essential oils, like oregano oil safely. 

Alternatively, blend a quarter of a cup of warm water and approximately three droplets of oregano oil. This solution can then be put in your mouth, with the aim of cleansing and filling all the crevices. This process should be repeated two or three times daily or according to the user’s needs.

For yet another oregano oil remedy, allow some droplets of oregano oil to rest underneath your tongue for up to four minutes. This is safe to either split out or consume after the allocated time. Rub the oil directly onto the region affected alternatively. Repeat this home remedy as often as needed.

oregano, herbs, abscesses

Fresh oregano

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

This is a known disinfectant and mitigates inflammation. Wash your mouth with approximately one tablespoon of pure apple cider vinegar. Do not swallow the substance. This should be redone a maximum of three times a day.

As another option, drinking a smaller dosage, about one tablespoon, diluted in warm water twice a day can provide a similar effect.


  1. Blue Algae

This tinted alga possesses minute amounts of minerals that are essential to the healing of the body. The consumption of these minerals is important as they are not consistently found in the average western diet. A dosage of 300mg at intervals of twice a day is considered acceptable.


  1. Baking Soda

Baking soda is a weak base that increases the pH of saliva (which is acidic) to a more neutral state.  In this way, it acts as a way to naturally drain an abscess in this region of the body. Blend half a teaspoon of baking soda and salt of any variety. Cover the blended materials in a cotton ball that has been exposed to water. Place this in the cavity between the affected area and your cheek. Allow this home remedy to work for three to five minutes. Apply this home remedy at regular intervals

As an alternative, use the baking soda as a paste to be directly put on the region or wash your mouth using the baking soda to create a solution with water. This should be done with no more than one tablespoon of baking soda at a time.


  1. Garlic

It is an extremely successful antibiotic that stops infections related to bacteria and has sulphuric substances that stop swelling. Apply garlic’s liquid directly onto the aggrieved region. Redo at regular intervals. You may also crush garlic cloves in your mouth to achieve the same results.


  1. Oil Pulling

This was a common ritual done in ancient Ayurvedic to keep your teeth and mouth clean. It also helped disinfect the oral region. The oil contained lipids that removed bacteria and stopped it from sticking to the walls of your mouth, halting discomfort and disease.

Wash your mouth with a tablespoon of coconut extract. Wash again using water. Redo this two times a cycle. Use this home remedy as often as needed.


  1. Peppermint

Within the peppermint oil, there are substances that kill bacteria and reduce swelling and discomfort. Lightly rub the oil on to the region of pain using either your fingers or a cotton ball. Reapply the oil and redo the process regularly.

Do this or put the leaves onto the region of affected skin.


  1. Calendula

They have been proven to help isolate discomfort and swelling in certain areas of the body. Using a cotton swab, put crushed calendula petals onto the region of pain. Keep doing this constantly.

caleunda, flower, oil, balanitis

Calendula flowers and essential oil

  1. Cat’s Claw

This substance can promote the stability of the immune system and the speed of its response to danger. A dosage of 500mg of the extract is recommended at an interval of three times a day. Do this until the boil disappears.


This should not be consumed if you are pregnant or nursing. This should also be avoided if you are an organ donor and it should be used in moderation if you use blood thinners.


  1. Hydrogen Peroxide

This is an organic destroyer of bacteria. Combine two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide with a tablespoon of hot water. Wash your mouth with it. Do this consistently. Use this home remedy until you no longer have abscesses.


  1. Raw Potato

A slice about 2.5cm in diameter can be fastened to a boil with tape. This will extract the fluid from the abscess. Scrapings of raw potato can also be implemented in a gauze configuration.


  1. Papaya  

It has materials that stop the oxidizing process, killing bacteria. Put new slices onto regions of skin of mouth to stop swelling in gums. Allow it to sit for ten minutes. Redo this home remedy regularly to cure your abscesses.


  1. Onion

They are organically antiseptic and allow for blood to percolate more easily. This can instantaneously cure your issue. Apply in the same manner you would raw potatoes. Keep them on your body for three hours at a time. Replenish with new onions regularly. This should be attempted along with various other remedies.

red onion, onion, common cold

Any kind of onion should work for this home remedy

  1. Cold Compress

Set pieces of ice onto a sanitary cloth within or outside your mouth. Allow it to sit for fifteen minutes. Use a cold bag of organic material, like frozen peas,  as an alternative.


  1. Neem

This celebrated antiseptic as its petals can alleviate absences quickly. A handful can be granulated with water to create a fine paste. This paste, when applied, can extract the liquids in a boil. Boiling the leaves in a glass of water will create a potent solution. When applied to the face, it can remove facial boils.


  1. Vitamin C

This vitamin, along with bioflavonoids, helps uplift the immune system and mitigate swelling. 1000mg of vitamin C five times a day and four doses of 500mg of mixed bioflavonoids will effectively treat boils.


  1. Parsley

The leaves of this plant can be used to clear an abscess in a short space of time. It can do all this with no risk of infection or discomfort. Doses of half a dozen leaves boiled in water are commonly used. Using them just like a bandage has been shown to be particularly effective. This can be done over a period of half a month.


  1. Cashews

The infections involved in nasty tooth abscesses are extremely vulnerable to the acids that are organically found in the oils of cashew nuts. Simply eat more of these nuts to use this home remedy.


  1. Lobelia Mix

You can put a cloth that has been drenched in a mix of lobelia and mullein in a ratio of 1:3 and diluted in water. This stops the growth of a boil. Perforate the abscess with a clean needle and carefully clean the wound. Use garlic oil to protect against a viral infection an adding vitamin C to the mix will accelerate the healing and recovery.

lobelia, flowers, abscesses

Lobelia flowers

  1. Tomato Paste Pack

Consuming numerous raw tomatoes will lead to your boil bursting. Not dissimilarly, homemade tomato paste can be used as a compress that will use the acid in a tomato to ease discomfort and stop growth.


  1. Castor Oil

This remedy has several uses and is a common reference point in several home remedy pieces of literature. It is a remarkable antiseptic that, when applied in only a few drops, will alleviate any abscesses. Blending this into your skin with a cotton ball will allow the pus to escape. Repeat twice a day to get the best results.


  1. Red Clover

The flower of this specimen is effective; it has been known to fight cancer. One teaspoon of the clover mixed with a cup of water is the ideal ratio. It should be allowed to be infused for seven minutes. Consume this twice a day for the best results. It is especially effective in reducing pain in your gums.


  1. Fenugreek

Fenugreek is reputed for its several antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It has a long list of nutritional and health benefits that cannot be overlooked. Although it is naturally native to the Mediterranean region, it is now cultivated around the globe as it is such a healing utility. It can be put to use with its leaves as a focal point or in the alternative, deploying its seeds.

It can chase the fluid out of and around any abscessed mouth. This can be achieved by converting the substance into a mouthwash or subsequently put straight onto the region with the aid of cotton. It helps to draw out moisture and toxins.


  1.  Cold Tea

Put a dried tea bag in the cavity of your teeth and your cheek for approximately an hour. For maximum effectiveness, avoid adding pressure to the affected area. Your mouth should be in the closed position for the duration of the exercise.

Some consider using the teabag when wet, but the alternative is better. Consider using the dried tea bag is much more effective.

black tea, green tea, tea, teabags, fungal

Any kind of black, green, or herbal tea should work for this home remedy

  1. Epsom Salt

This is also commonly referenced in home remedies’ literature as it can be used to procure relief when ailing sets in. Load up a bath with two cups of Epsom salt and bathe within it. Consistently taking Epsom salt baths will achieve the best results.


  1. Wheat Grass

It has high concentrations of chlorophyll and various essential nutrients. Many have testified to its healing properties and have been widely implemented in the treatment of diseases such as cancer. It is also used to treat high-level gum infections. Washing your mouth with this can remove toxins from the region.


  1. Milk Thistle

This plant produces flowers that contain potent medicinal characteristics. This whole plant can in some form or another help stop the pain. You can soak the stem of the thistle to create a stew. The root can be implemented in a toasted and buttered solution. The leaves have been known to be safely eaten when raw. There are tablets available for sales that have the same effect.


  1. Colloidal Silver

This substance is known to supplement mineral deficiencies and combats an infected system. A measure of ten drops consumed four times daily is considered ideal.


  1. Cornmeal

This can organically allow for the percolation of fluid out of the abscess. To use this home remedy, mix a teaspoon of cornmeal with half a cup of warm water. Make a paste from this mixture and rub it on your abscesses.  It will draw the pus out of the boil. Use this home remedy as often as needed.


  1. Egg

The white of an egg has various purposes. It is not just to considered nutritious to consume only as it serves a variety of other purposes as facial mask and hair regimen.

When separated from the yolk, it can be converted into a viscous paste when mixed. The application of the paste to a boil will treat it. You should wash your face thoroughly after doing this method.


  1. Chamomile

This is an anti-inflammatory agent that prevents swelling and treats damaged skin tissue. It can be drunk or apply it to the skin directly. It also comes up for mention in many remedies that can be put to use at home.

Drinking three cups of chamomile tea daily can help. Creating a poultice can mitigate swelling. Soaking a chamomile tea bag in water and applying to the tooth can help.


  1. Olive Oil

An abscessed tooth is often as a result of bacteria present in your mouth. Chemicals found in olive oil can be effective in killing those bacteria.

Hold a bowl of olive oil. Dip a cotton ball in the oil and put on to the region affected. Apply for a few minutes at a time. This should be repeated regularly to get the best results.


Extra virgin olive oil will work the best, but you can use any type of olive oil for this home remedy

  1. Eucalyptus Oil and Slippery Elm

Eucalyptus oil is also a fantastic way to get rid of abscesses. To use it to its maximum effectiveness, take three drops of eucalyptus oil and 25 grams of powdered slippery elm and mix them together into a bowl. Add a small amount of boiling water until it creates a paste. Put this paste directly on the boil and repeat the process until it disappears.


  1. Bacon

Believe it or not, bacon can be used to get rid of abscesses. Take a single piece of bacon and roll it in salt. After you’re done covering it sufficiently with the salt, put it between two pieces of cloth. Tie the pieces of cloth around the area where the boil is located. If you repeat this process a few times a day, it will safely drain the pus out of the abscess.


  1. White Vinegar

Vinegar contains a lot of salt. As we stated earlier, salt is very helpful in the process of getting rid of the infection. It can also reduce the swelling. If the abscess is located in your mouth, drink very small amounts of vinegar and swish it around. Do not swallow it. Spit it out and rinse with water. Repeat this at least twice a day for maximum effects.

You can also mix a small amount with a glass of water. This is safe to drink. You can also try applying small amounts of vinegar to the skin with the abscess is located. This can help disinfect the skin around the abscess.


  1. Plantain

Plantain leaves are some of the most effective healers when it comes to abscess issues. They can act as a pain reliever, as well as an inflammation reducer. Crush up some leaves into a paste. Take the paste and apply it to your boils or other problem areas. Leave it there for about half an hour, then wash it off. Be sure to do this multiple times a day if you want a speedy recovery.


Which of these home remedies are you most likely to use? Comment with your answer below!











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